Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mariah Carey dobila blizance / Mariah Carey gives birth to twins

Pevačica Mariah Carey i njen suprug Nick Cannon dobili su najlepši poklon za četvrtu godišnjicu braka - postali su roditelji! Pevačicin publicista Cindi Berger potvrdila je ovu informaciju rekavši da je Mariah dobila dečaka i devojčicu koji za sada nemaju ime. 
Carey i Cannon su u braku od 2007. godine. Mariah iza sebe ima jedan pobačaj, ali je ovog puta sve prošlo u najboljem redu. Ipak, Mariah je u nedavnom intervjuu izjavila da neće imati više dece, s obzirom na to da već ima 40 godina.
Sve čestitke novopoečenim roditeljima :)

Mariah Carey and her husband Nick Cannon got the best present for their fourth anniversary - they became parents! The singer's representative Cindi Berger confirmed this saying that Mariah gave birth to a boy and girl, but the couple has not named children yet.
Carey and Cannon have been in marriage since 2007. Mariah faced a miscarriage in the past, but this time everything went well. Still, Mariah said in a recent interview that she won't have more children, because she's already 40.
Congrats to the newly parents :) 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sade na turneji posle 10 godina / Sade on tour after 10 years

Koncertom u Nici, britanska grupa Sade započela je dugoočekivanu turneju, prvu u 10 godina. Sudeći po komentarima fanova koji su prisustvovali večerašnjem koncertu, izgleda da je vredelo čekati. Na koncertima se mogu čuti klasici poput Smooth Operator, No Ordinary Love, Jezebel, The Sweetest Taboo, ali i pesme sa njihovog poslednjeg albuma Soldier of Love.
Sade će održati 70 koncerata širom Evrope i Severne Amerike, a turneju će završiti 3. septembra koncertom u Las Vegasu.
Slike sa koncerta u Nici možete pogledati na njihovoj zvaničnoj facebook stranici.
Ne zaboravite da će od ponedeljka u prodaji biti i The Ultimate Collection na kojoj će se pored najvećih hitova naći i četiri nove pesme, uključujući The Moon and the Sky remix sa Jay-Zijem.


With a concert in Nice, British band Sade started a long-awaited tour, the first in 10 years. According to the comments of fans who have attended the concert this evening, it seems it was worth waiting. They played classics such as Smooth Operator, No Ordinary Love, Jezebel, The Sweetest Taboo, but songs from their latest studio album Soldier of Love were heard too.
Sade will play 70 concerts through Europe and North America and will end the tour in Las Vegas on September 3.
Check out pics from Nice concert on their official facebook page.
Don't forget that their Ultimate Collection goes on sale this Monday. Beside the greatest hits, this compilation features 4 new songs, including Moon and the Sky remix with Jay-Z.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Poslušajte novi album Jennifer Lopez - Love? / Listen to a new album by Jennifer Lopez - Love?

Nakon više od godinu dana odlaganja, novi album Jennifer Lopez "Love?" konačno će biti objavljen u ponedeljak. JLo je preko zvaničnog sajta omogućila fanovima da poslušaju album pre objavljivanja! Sve što je potrebno da uradite je da odete na, sharujete stranicu i budete među prvima koji će čuti nove pesme.
Verujte nam, odlične su!


After more than a one year delay, a new album by Jennifer Lopez "Love?" will finally be released this Monday. JLo has provided an opportunity to her fans to hear the complete album before the release through her official website. All you have to do is to visit, share the page and be among the first to hear new songs.
Believe us, they're great!

Igrajte sa Shakirom! / Dance with Shakira!

Zaigrajte sa Shakirom!

Kao što već znate, koncert Shakire u Beogradskoj Areni zakazan je za 9. maj. Arena Beograd je za tu priliku organizovala više nego zanimljivu nagradnu igru - imaćete priliku da se popnete na binu i igrate zajedno sa Shakirom uz neki njen hit! Sve što je potrebno jeste da imate preko 13 godina i da se prijavite preko sajta
Osim ove jedistvene šanse, pobednici će osvojiti dve karte za koncert i specijalni poklon od Shakire!
Pa, srećno!
Ispod pogledajte kratak klip u kome Shakira lično poziva fanove na beogradski koncert. 


As you already know, Shakira's concert in Belgrade Arena is scheduled for May 9. Thanks to Belgrade Arena, fans may win a very specical prize - an opportunity to dance with Shakira on stage during a performance of one of her hits! You only have to be more than 13 years old and to sign-up through website.
Except this unique opportunity, winners will get two tickets for the concert and a special gift from Shakira!
So, good luck!
Check out a short video below in which Shakira invites fans to come to her concert in Belgrade. 

Ellie Goulding nastupa na kraljevskom venčanju / Ellie Goulding to perform at the Royal Wedding

Iako je poslednjih meseci bilo mnogo glasina ko će pevati na venčanju princa Williama i Kate Middleton, konačno je objavljeno da će to biti mlada pevačica Ellie Goulding.
Princ William i Kate su veliki fanovi ove pevačice i smatraju da je njena muzika prigodna za sve generacije. Ellie će nastupiti na prijemu posle večere za 300 odabranih zvanica, a domačin prijema biće mladoženjin otac princ Charles.
Ellie će najverovatnije prijem otvoriti obradom pesme Eltona Johna "Your Song" koja je omiljena zvanicama.
Inače, obrada ove pesme je za sada najveći hit za Ellie u Velikoj Britaniji i spot možete pogledati ispod ovog posta. 


After many rummors that have been ongoing in the last few months about who'll perform at the Royal Wedding reception, it's finally revealed that it will be young singer Ellie Goulding.
Apparently, Prince William and Kate Middleton are huge fans of this singer and they think her music is appropriate for all generations. Ellie will perform at the post-dinner reception for 300 people and the reception will be hosted by the groom's father Prince Charles.
Ellie will most probably open the reception with a cover of Elton John's classic Your Song which is a favorite of the royal couple.
Anyway, this song is the biggest hit to date in the UK for this singer. Check out the song and the video below this post.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Billboard Charts: Dominacija Adele se nastavlja! / Adele continues to dominate US charts!

Adele se sa albumom 21 po peti put nalazi na vrhu liste najprodavanijih albuma u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Ovaj album je prošle nedelje prodat u 153 hiljade primeraka (65% više u odnosu na prošlu nedelju) i ovo je druga najbolja prodaja za 21 od objavljivanja u februaru.
Prošlonedeljni #1 album Wasting Light grupe Foo Fighters pao je na treće mesto sa 72 hiljade prodatih primeraka (pad za 69% u odnosu na prošlu nedelju).
Najnoviji soundtrack iz serije Glee "The Glee presents the Warblers" debitovao je na drugom mestu 86 hiljada prodatih primeraka što je do sada najmanja prodaja za Glee soundtrack.
Soundtrack za novi Diznijev film Lemonade Mouth beleži skok sa 18. na četvrto mesto zahvaljujući velikom broju repriza tokom prošle nedelje i popustu u Target prodavnicama. Ovaj soundtrack prodat je u 69 hiljada primeraka prošle nedelje što je za čak 222% više u odnosu na prošlu nedelju.
Popust u Targetu pomogao je i Justinu Bieberu da se vrati u top 10 sa remix albumom Never Say Never: the Remixes (36 hiljada prodatih primeraka).
Nastup u American Idolu omogućio je Katy Perry da se vrati na prvo mesto Billboard Hot 100 liste singlova sa pesmom E.T. E.T. je trenutno najprodavanija i najslušanija pesma na radio-stanicama.
Prošlonedeljni #1 single S&M koji izvode Rihanna i Britney Spears pao je na četvrto mesto.
Britanska pevačica Adele takođe je imala velike koristi od American Idola. Jedna takmičarka izvela je njen aktuelni single Rolling In the Deep, te je prodaja ove pesme porasla za 99% što joj je omogućilo drugo mesto na Billboard Hot 100 listi - najbolja pozicija u njenoj karijeri.
Novi single Bruna Marsa "The Lazy Song" napredovao je za pet pozicija i zauzeo šesto mesto ove nedelje. Ovo je bila četvrta najprodavanija pesma ove nedelje i 22. po slušanosti na radio-stanicama.
U top 10 se vratio i aktuelni single Ke$he "Blow" koji je ove nedelje na devetom mestu.
Top 10 liste albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


21 by Adele is the weekly best selling album in the US for the fifth time. This album was sold in 153k copies last week (65% more compared to the last week) and this is the second best weekly sales for 21 since its release.
Last week #1 album Wasting Light by Foo Fighters slips to #3 with 72k copies sold (69% drop compared to the last week). 
The most recent Glee soundtrack The Glee presents the Warblers debutes at #2 with 86k copies sold - the lowest sales for any Glee release.
A soundtrack for new Disney's movie Lemonade Mouth jumps from #18 to #4 thanks to a repeated ratings and a discount in Target. This soundtrack was sold in 69k last week which is 222% higher compared to previous week.
Target discount helps Justin Bieber too to return in top 10 with Never Say Never: the Remixes (36k).
American Idol performance helps Katy Perry to return to #1 on Billboard Hot 100 with E.T. This song tops both - Digital Songs and Radio Songs charts at the moment.
Last week #1 single S&M by Rihanna and Britney Spears slips to #4 this week. 
Adele also benefits from American Idol. One contestant performed her latest single Rolling In the Deep which increased its sales for 99% and brought it to #2 this week - the highest chart position in her career.
The latest Bruno Mars' single The Laty Song jumps five positions to #6. This was the 4th best-selling song last week and the 22nd song on Radio Songs Chart. 
The latest Ke$ha's single Blow returns to top 10 at #9. 
Check out below top 10 Albums & Singles charts.

Top 10 Albums: 

  1. (2) Adele - 21 (153k)
  2. (new) The Glee presents the Warblers (86k)
  3. (1) Foo Fighters - Wasting Light (72k)
  4. (18) Lemonade Mouth Soundtrack (69k)
  5. (6) Britney Spears - Femme Fatale (45k)
  6. (3) Alison Krauss + Union Station - Paper Airplane (42k)
  7. (10) Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More (39k)
  8. (4) Paul Simon - So Beautiful or So What (37k)
  9. (9) Chris Brown - F.A.M.E. (37k)
  10. (22) Justin Bieber - Never Say Never: the Remixes (36k)
Top 10 Singles:

  1. (2) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
  2. (6) Adele - Rolling In the Deep
  3. (3) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
  4. (1) Rihanna feat. Britney Spears - S&M
  5. (4) Jeremih feat. 50 Cent - Down On Me
  6. (11) Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song
  7. (8) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
  8. (7) Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes - Look at Me Now
  9. (12) Ke$ha - Blow
  10. (5) Cee-Lo Green - F**k You (Forget You)

Britney Spears napisala tri pesme za Selenu Gomez / Britney Spears writes three songs for Selena Gomez

Iako Britney Spears nije napisala ni jednu pesmu na svom poslednjem albumu Femme Fatale (osim što je koautor pesme Scary, koja je bonus pesma na japanskom izdanju albuma), ona je svoju kreativnost rešila da pokaže na novom albumu Diznijeve zvezde Selene Gomez (aka devojka Justina Biebera). 
Producenti pop princeze Dr. Luke i Kevin Rudolph potvrdili su ovu vest rekavši da je Britney napisala tri pesme za Selenu od koje će se najverovatnije dve naći na albumu. Rudolph je pesme opisao kao brze, zarazne i sexy.
Novi album Selene Gomez biće objavljen 28. juna.


Although Britney Spears didn't write a single song from her new album Femme Fatale (except being a co-author of Scary, which is a bonus track on Japanese version of the album), she decided to show her creativity on an upcoming album of Disney star Selena Gomez (aka Justin Bieber girlfriend).
Producers of pop princess Dr. Luke and Kevin Rudolph confirmed this saying that Britney wrote three songs for Selena, while two of them will be most probably featured on the album. Rudolph described songs as catchy, fast and sexy.
The new album by Selena Gomez is scheduled for June 28.

Beyonce - Move Your Body (Video)

Beyonce je objavila spot za pesmu Move Your Body. Pesma je deo kampanje Let's Move! koju je Beyonce pokrenula sa Michelle Obamom čiji je cilj promovisanje fizičke aktivnosti kod omladine. Zato u ovom spotu možete videti B kako vredno vežba sa gomilom dece oko nje :)


Beyonce released a brand new video for Move Your Body. The song is a part of Let's Move! campaign which Beyonce started with Michelle Obama in order to motivate youngsters to become more active. So you can see B in this video working hard with many kids around her :)

Kylie Minogue objavila single za pomoć Japanu / Kylie Minogue releases a charity single for Japan

Kylie Minogue snimila je pesmu We Are One sa japanskim reperom VERBALOM kako bi pomogla narodu Japana koji je stradao u nedavnim katastrofama. Kylie kaže da su ovu optimističnu pesmu napisali misleći na sve ljude u oblasti Tohoku. Pesma je postavljena na YouTube sa linkovima organizacija gde se može uplatiti novac za pomoć žrtvama. 


Kylie Minogue recorded a song We Are One with Japanese rapper VERBAL in order to help victims of recent disasters in Japan. According to Kylie, this uplifting song was “especially written deep from our hearts thinking about everyone in the Tohoku regions”. The song is posted to YouTube with links of organisations where you can donate money to help these victims.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kate Bush - Deeper Understanding (Video)

Legendarna pevačica Kate Bush objavila je spot za novu verziju pesme Deeper Understanding - prvi single sa albuma Director's Cut koji će biti objavljen 16. maja. O ovom albumu smo već pisali ovde.
Pesmu možete kupiti na iTunesu, a više nego zanimljiv spot možete pogledati ispod ovog posta. Jedina mana mu je to što se Kate ne pojavljuje :( ali fanovi Harryja Pottera će se obradovati jer glavnu ulogu u spotu tumači Robbie Coltrane koji je u filmovima o čarobnjaku igrao Hagrida.
Spot je režirala sama Kate. Uživajte :)


A legendary singer Kate Bush has released a video for a new version of her old song Deeper Understanding - the first single from her upcoming album Director's Cut (to be released on May 16). We have already written about this album and more info you can find here.
The song is available on iTunes and more than interesting video you can watch below. The only con is that Kate doesn't show up :( but fans of Harry Potter will be happy to see Robbie Coltrane who portrayed Hagrid in movies about the young wizard.
The video is directed by Kate. Enjoy :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Heather Bright: Mnoge pop zvezde se lažno predstavljaju kao autori pesama! / Many pop stars are falsely credited as songwriters!

Možda ne znate ko je Heather Bright, ali je u muzičkoj industriji itekako poznata jer je napisala veliki broj pesama za Justina Biebera, Britney Spears, Ushera, Akona, Michaela Jacksona i mnoge druge. U intervjuu za Free-Wired ona je otkirla da se mnoge pop zvezde potpisuju kao autori svojih pesama iako nisu napisali ni jednu notu ili stih. Na taj način dobijaju novac od autorskih prava iako ga nisu zaradili. Mediji često optužuju Beyonce da se lažno potpisuje kao autor, ali Heather kaže da ona nije jedina. Iako bi trebalo da autori pesama dobijaju više novca od prodaje i autorskih prava to nije uvek tako i zavisi ko je izvođač. Heather kaže:
Rihanna dobija novac od autorskih prava, Justin Bieber dobija novac od autorskih prava, Kanye West dobija novac od autorskih prava iako oni ne učestvuju u stvaranju pesama.
Kao primer navela je poslednji hit Justina Bibera "Somebody to Love" koji je ona napisala, ali je kao jedan od autora potpisan i Justin koji je pesmu samo otpevao.
Ipak, Bright je pohvalila zvezde poput Lady Gage koja zaista sama piše svoje pesme, ali i Britney Spears, za koju je uradila pesmu Trouble for Me sa poslednjeg albuma Femme Fatale, jer kaže da se Britney ne potpisje lažno kao autor. 


You may not know who Heather Bright is, but she's very well known in the music industry because she wrote many songs for Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, Usher, Akon, Michael Jackson and many others. In an interview for Free-Wired she revealed that many pop starts are falsely credited as co-writers of their songs, although they didn't write a single note or word. In that way they get money from publishing they didn't earn. Medias often accuse Beyonce for doing this, but Heather says she's not the only one. Although it's supposed that authors get more money from publishing, that's not always a case and it depends on who the artist is.
Rihanna takes publishing, Justin Bieber takes publishing, Kanye West takes publishing. On all the stuff that they don’t write, they take publishing.
The most recent example for this is a hit by Justin Bieber "Somebody to Love" that was written by Heather, but Bieber is credited too although he only sang the song.
Still, Bright praised artists that really wite their songs such as Lady Gaga. But she also praised Britney Spears, for whom Heather wrote Trouble for Me from the latest album Femme Fatale, because according to Heather , Britney doesn't take writing credits for songs she didn't write.

Britanske top-liste: Adele se vraća na prvo mesto / UK Charts: Adele returns to #1

Adele se nakon jednonedeljne pauze vraća na prvo mesto liste albuma sa 21 koji je prošle nedelje prodat u 92 hiljade primeraka i ovo je 12. nedelja na vrhu za ovaj album.
Prošlonedeljni #1 album Wasting Lights grupe Foo Fighters pao je na drugo mesto sa 42 hiljade prodatih primeraka, što je pad za više od 60% u odnosu na prošlu nedelju.
Prvi album Adele "19" i dalje se drži na trećem mestu sa prodajom od 30 hiljada primeraka.
Jedini top 10 novitet na listi albuma ove nedelje je novi album Chipmunka "Transition" koji je debitovao na desetom mestu. Ovo je pad u odnosu na njegov debi album iz 2009. godine koji je stigao do drugog mesta.
LMFAO nalazi se drugu nedelju zaredom na prvom mestu liste singlova sa pesmom Party Rock Anthem i novih 86 hiljada prodatih primeraka.
Na drugom mestu je novi single repera Wretch 32 "Unorthodox" koji je prodat u 66 hiljada prošle nedelje. Ovo je za sada najbolja pozicija i nedeljna prodaja u njegovoj karijeri.
Zahvaljujući emisiji Britan's Got Talent u kojoj je jedan takmičar izveo hit iz 1988. godine Fast Car pevačice Tracy Chapman, ova pesma se vratila u top 10 zauzevši četvrto mesto.
Novi single Lady Gage "Judas", koji je objavljen prošlog petka, uspeo je da se posle celonedeljne prodaje popne sa 14. na deveto mesto. 
Kompletan top 10 singlova i albuma pogledajte ispod ovog posta. 


Adele returns to the top of the Albums chart with 21 after one week break. This album was sold in 92k copies last week and this is the 12th week on the top for 21.
Last week #1 album Wasting Lights by Foo Fighters slips to #2 with 42k copies sold witch is more than 60% drop compared to last week.
Adele's debut album 19 holds #3 with 30k copies sold last week.
The only new entry inside top 10 is a new album by Chipmunk "Transition" which debutes at #10. This is a drop compared to his debi album that peaked at #2 back in 2009.
LMFAO tops the Singles chart for the second consecutive week with Party With Anthem (86k).
The number 2 spot belongs to a new single by Wretch 32 "Unorthodox" (66k). This is the best position and weekly sales in his career so far.
Thanks to Britain's Got Talent in which one contestant performed 1988 hit Fast Car by Tracy Chapman, this song returns to top 10 claiming #4 spot.
Lady Gaga's new single Judas, released last Friday, after whole week sales jumps from #14 to #9.
Check out the complete top 10 of albums and singles below this post.

Top 10 Albums:

  1. (2) Adele - 21
  2. (1) Foo Fighters - Wasting Light
  3. (3) Adele - 19
  4. (7) Jessie J - Who You Are
  5. (6) Rihanna - Loud
  6. (8) Cee-Lo Green - The Lady Killer
  7. (10) Bruno Mars - Doo Wops & Hooligans
  8. (5) Katy B - On a Mission
  9. (4) Glee: The Music - Season 2, Vol. 5
  10. (new) Chipmunk - Transition

Top 10 Singles:

  1. (1) LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem
  2. (new) Wretch 32 feat. Example - Unorthodox
  3. (3) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
  4. (58) Tracy Chapman - Fast Car
  5. (8) Chris Brown feat. Benny Benassi - Beautiful People
  6. (4) Snoop Dogg vs David Guetta - Sweat
  7. (3) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
  8. (5) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
  9. (14) Lady Gaga - Judas
  10. (9) Mann feat. 50 Cent - Buzzin' (Remix)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Girls Aloud se ponovo okupljaju 2012! / Girls Aloud to reunite in 2012!

Popularni britanski girl bend Girls Aloud ponovo će se okupiti 2012 kako bi obeležile 10 godina od osnivanja grupe, potvrdila je njihova menadžerka Hilary Shaw
Ipak, ona je dodala da fanovi ne očekuju novi album jer je Cheryl Cole zauzeta zbog promocije sopstvenih pesama i angažmana oko X-Factora, ali koncerata će svakako biti.
Girls Aloud nastale su 2002. godine nakon talent show programa Popstars the Rivals. Od tada su objavile pet albuma i dvadeset uzastopnih top 10 singlova. Poslednji album Out of Control objavile su 2008. godine nakon čega su se članice posvetile solo karijerama na različitim poljima. Najuspešnija je bila Cheryl Cole kojoj je publicitet u X-Factoru kao članici žirija doneo dva #1 albuma i četiri top 5 hita, uključujući #1 hitove Fight for This Love i Promise This.


A popular British girl band Girls Aloud will reunite in 2012 to mark their 10th anniversary, their manager Hilary Shaw confirmed.
Still, she added that fans should not expect a new album just yet, because Cheryl Cole is busy with her solo career and possible slot in X-Factor, but we can expect concerts.
Girls Aloud were formed in 2002 through talent show Popstars the Rivals. They released five albums and 20 consecutive top 10 singles since. The last album Out of Control was released in 2008 after witch band members started their solo careers in different areas. The most successful was Cheryl Cole who, thanks to the publicity as a X-Factor judge, scored two #1 albums and four top 5 hits, including #1s Fight for This Love and Promise This.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

LISTEN: Britney Spears feat. Ke$ha & Nicki Minaj - Till the World Ends (Remix)

Britney Spears, Ke$ha i Nicki Minaj snimile su remix pesme Till the World Ends sa aktuelnog albuma Britney Spears "Femme Fatale". Pesma će u utorak biti objavljena na iTunes-u, a na zvaničnim sajtovima sve tri pevačice postavljeno je odbrojavanje. Dobra vest je da je pesma već "procurela" na net i možete je poslušati ispod ovog posta!
Da li će i ovaj remix, poput onog za Rihannin "S&M" sa Britney, uspeti da dođe do prvog mesta na Billboard Hot 100 listi, ostaje da se vidi. Ali, jedno je sigurno, sve tri pevačice su definitivno među najpopularnijim trenutno, što čini ovu saradnju itekako zanimljivom.


Britney Spears, Ke$ha and Nicki Minaj recorded a remix for Till the World Ends, the second single from the latest Britney Spears' album Femme Fatale. The song will be released to iTunes on Tuesday and you can see a counting on official websites of all three singers. The good news is that the song has already leaked and you can listen to it below this post!
We'll see if this remix can score #1 on Billboard Hot 100 like the one by Rihanna and Britney for S&M, but one thing is sure - all three performers are among the most popular celebrities at the moment which makes this collaboration very interesting! 

[Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]
32,484 PLAYS   

Friday, April 22, 2011

Moby - The Day (Video)

Američki muzičar Moby, koji će 18. juna nastupiti sa Amy Winehouse u Beogradu, objavio je spot za prvi zvanični single sa njegovog novog albuma Destroyed "The Day". Pesma je dostupna na iTunesu, dok će kompletan EP biti objavljen 9. maja, nedelju dana pre objavljivanja albuma.  
Moby kaže da je pesma The Day nastala u jednoj lepoj sobi u Španiji oko 6-7 ujutru dok su svi spavali. Pesme sa novog albuma opsuje kao melodičnu elektronsku muziku, a atmosferu poredi sa atmosferom praznih ulica u kasnim noćnim satima.
Pre ovog singla, Moby je objavio EP Be the One koji možete preuzeti besplatno na njegovom zvaničnom sajtu.


American musician Moby, who'll perform with Amy Winehouse on June 18 in Belgrade, has released a video for the official first single from his upcoming album Destroyed - The Day. The song is available on iTunes, while a full remix bundle will be availabe from May 9, one week before the album release.
According to Moby, The Day was written in a hotel room in Spain at dawn when he hadnt slept. He says it was a beautiful hotel room and it was six or seven in the morning. He describes songs from the new album as "broken down melodic electronic music for empty cities at 2 am".
Before this single, Moby released a EP Be the One which is available as a free download from his official website.

Justin Bieber na listi najuticajnijih ljudi sveta / Justin Bieber on the most influential people list

Kažu da je apokalipsa blizu, a znaci postaju sve učestaliji. Tako je magazin Times uvrstio Justina Biebera na svoju godišnju listu sto najuticajnijih ljudi na svetu. E sad, to što nije precizirano kako određena osoba utiče na vaš nervni sistem je drugi padež.
Zato ću vam dati jedan savet. Ako ste muško i u sedamnaestoj godini imate glas kao petogodišnja devojčica, pa još želite da postanete urbani i furate gangsta fazon dok plačete za devojčicom koja vam je otela sladoled i imate ludu sreću da sretnete Ushera, obavezno okrenite to u svoju korist. Stavljaće vas na listu zajedno sa Oprahom Winfrey, Glenn Close, Obamom, Stingom i sl.
Ne zvuči loše uopšte. A sada pročitajte prvu rečenicu ponovo.


It's said that an apocalypse is close and its signs have become more frequent. For instance, Times magazine included Justin Bieber on their annual list of 100 Most influential people in the world. To be honest, it was not specified how the certan person affects your nervous system.
So, in this post I want to give you an advice. If you're a 17-years old boy with an voice of 5-years old girl who wants to become urban fueled by gangsta style while you're crying for a girl who stole your ice cream and you're so lucky to meet Usher, you have to turn all these defects into talent! You'll be put on lists with Oprah, Glenn Close, Obama, Sting etc.
Doesn't sound bad at all to me. Now read the first sentence again.

Jennifer Lopez - Love? Album preview

Novi album Jennifer Lopez - Love? najavljen je za 3. maj i  do sada smo imali prilike da čujemo tri singla, uključujući veliki hit On the Floor. Ovog puta predstavljamo vam isečke svih pesama kako biste dobili bar delimični utisak kako će zvučati ovaj album.
Poslušajte i recite nam šta mislite!


A new album by Jennifer Lopez - Love? is scheduled for May 3 and we've heard three singles so far, including a big hit On the Floor. In this post we present you snipets of all tracks, so you can have an idea how the whole album will sound like.
Listen and tell us what you think!


1. “On the Floor”
2. “Good Hit”
3. “I’m Into You” (featuring Lil Wayne)
4. “(What Is) Love?”
5. “Run the World”
6. “Papi”
7. “Until It Beats No More”
8. “One Love”
9. “Invading My Mind”
10. “Villain” 4:03
11. “Starting Over”
12. “Hypnotico”
13. “Everybody’s Girl”
14. “Charge Me Up”
15. “Take Care”
16. “On the Floor (Ven a Bailar)” (featuring Pitbull)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

UPDATE: Novi single Beyonce "Run the World (Girls)" od danas u prodaji! Poslušajte konačnu verziju! / New Beyonce's single "Run the World (Girls)" available on iTunes! Listen to an official version!

Run the World (Girls)

Nakon što je novi single Beyonce "Girls (Who Run the World)" "procureo" pre dva dana, njena izdavačka kuća odlučila je da ga danas objavi na iTunesu. 
Verzija koja je "prucurela" je demo, a zvaničnu verziju čiji je naziv Run the World (Girls) možete poslušati ispod.
Ovo je prvi single sa novog, četvrtog po redu, albuma Beyonce koji bi trebalo da bude objavljen u junu.
Pesmu su napisali The Dream Beyonce, dok su prodeucenti, pored BeyonceSwitch Shea Taylor.


After new Beyonce's single Girls (Who Run the World) leaked two days ago, her label decided to release it  on iTunes today.
Apparently, the leaked verson is a demo and an official version you can listen below which title is Run the World (Girls).
This is the first single from an upcoming Beyonce's album, her fourth, that it's planned for June release.
The song is written by The Dream and Beyonce, while producers, beside Beyonce, are Switch and Shea Taylor.

Billboard liste: Prvi #1 album za Foo Fighters i deseti #1 single za Rihannu / Billboard charts: The first #1 album for Foo Fighters and the tenth #1 single for Rihanna

Foo Fighers su nakon 17 godina karijere dobili prvi #1 album u Americi. Oni su prošle nedelje prodali 235 hiljada primeraka novog albuma Wasting Light i bez problema se našli na vrhu Billboard Top 200 liste.
Prošlonedeljni #1 album 21 od Adele ove nedelje je na drugom mestu sa 93 hiljade prodatih primeraka.
Na trećem mestu je novi album Alison Krauss "Paper Airplane" koji je uradila sa bendom Union Station. Iako je ovo njena najbolja pozicija u karijeri, ovo je njena treća po redu najbolja nedeljna prodaja. Paper Airplane je prošle nedelje prodat u 83 hiljade primeraka.
Legendarni sedamdesetogodišnji pevač Paul Simon nalazi se na četvrtom mestu sa novim albumom So Beautiful or So What koji je prošle nedelje prodat u 68 hiljada primeraka što je njegova najbolja prodaja od 1990. godine.
Četvrti i poslednji novitet u top 10 je latino rok bend Mana koji je debitovao na petom mestu sa albumom Drama y Luz koji je prodat u 47 hiljada primeraka prošle nedelje. Ovo je drugi top 10 album za njih.
Što se liste singlova tiče, na vrhu Billboard Hot 100 liste ove nedelje je Rihanna sa pesmom S&M zahvaljujući remixu sa Britney Spears koji je objavljen prošle nedelje. Ovo je deseti #1 hit za Rihannu i ona je najmlađi izvođač sa deset #1 hitova jer je do tog broja došla sa samo 23 godine čime je oborila rekord Mariah Caraey koja je do svog desetog #1 hita došla sa 25 godina. Billboard je za razliku od ostalih svetskih top-lista uključio i Britney Spears kao izvođača ove pesme, te je tako ova pevačica dobila svoj peti #1 hit u Americi. 
Prošlonedeljni #1 Katy Perry feat Kanye West - E.T. ove nedelje je na drugom mestu.
Jedini top 10 novitet ove nedelje je novi single Lady Gage "Judas" koji je objavljen u petak i uspeo je da stigne do desetog mesta.
Top 10 liste albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod.


Foo Fighters score their first #1 album in America after 17 years long career, Their latest album Wasting Light was sold in more than 235k copies last week and without problem topped Billboard Top 200 chart.
Last week #1 album 21 by Adele is at #2 this week with 93k copies sold.
Number 3 this week belongs to a new album by Alison Krauss with Union Station "Paper Airplane". This is her best position in a career, but the third best week when it comes to a weekly sales. Paper Airplane scanned 83k last week.
A legendary 70 years old singer/songwriter Paul Simon is at #4 this week with a new album So Beautiful or So What (68k) - his best weekly sales since 1990.
The fourth and the last new top 10 entry is the latest album by latino rock band Mana "Drama y Luz" which debutes at #5 (47k). This is their second top 10 album.
As for the Billboard Hot 100 chart Rihanna scores her tenth #1 with S&M which sales was fueled by a new remix released last week featuring Britney Spears. Rihanna has become the youngest artist to reach ten #1 hits, because she's only 23. She has broken Mariah Carey's record who got her tenth #1 when she was 25 back in 1995. Billboard credited Britney Spears as a featuring artist in this song as well, so the singer got her fifth US #1 single.
Last week #1 Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T. is at #2 this week.
The only new entry inside top 10 is a new single by Lady Gaga "Judas" which was released on Friday and managed to reach #10 this week.
Check out the rest of top 10 singles and albums below.

Top 10 Albums:

  1. (new) Foo Fighters - Wasting Light (235k)
  2. (1) Adele - 21 (93k)
  3. (new) Alison Krauss & Union Station - Paper Airplane (83k)
  4. (new) Paul Simon - So Beautiful or So What (68k)
  5. (new) Mana - Drama y Luz (47k)
  6. (2) Britney Spears - Femme Fatale (43k)
  7. (7) Songs for Japan (37k)
  8. (5) Wiz Khalifa - Rolling Papers (36k)
  9. (6) Chris Brown - F.A.M.E. (35k)
  10. (8) Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More (35k)

Top 10 Singles:

  1. (2) Rihanna feat. Britney Spears - S&M
  2. (1) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
  3. (3) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
  4. (6) Jeremih feat. 50 Cent - Down on Me
  5. (4) Cee-Lo Green - F**k You (Forget You)
  6. (10) Adele - Rolling In the Deep
  7. (7) Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes
  8. (9) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
  9. (8) Britney Spears - Till the World Ends
  10. (new) Lady Gaga - Judas

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Black Eyed Peas otvaraju muzičku akademiju u New Yorku / The Black Eyed Peas to launch music academy in New York

Grupa The Black Eyed Peas uskoro će otvoriti školu gde će tinejdžeri moži da nauče audio i video produkciju koristeći profesionalnu opremu.
Bend je objavio da je škola nastala kao rezultat saradnje dobrotvorne hip-hop organizacije The Peapod i Adobe fondacije. Ove dve organizacije već imaju tri akademije za školovanje glasa u Kaliforniji.
Nova akademija, koja će biti locirana na Manhattanu, počeće sa radom u julu, a časovi su predviđeni za učenike od 13 do 19 godina. 
Član benda kaže da su mnogi velikodušni ljudi i njima pomogli u karijeri i da je sada na njih red da pomognu nekome da ostvari svoje snove.
Učenici će biti birani na osnovu preporuke nastavnika i pokazanog interesovanja.


The Black Eyed Peas are opening a school where teenagers will learn about audio and video production using professional equipment.
The band announced that school will be opened by joined forces of charitable hip-hop organization The Peapod and Adobe fondation. These two organizations already run three Youth Voices academies in California.
The new academy will be opened in July, located in Manhattan, and will offer classes to students aged 13 to 19. 
The band member says that many generous people helped them through the career and now it's time for them to help someone fulfilling their dreams.
Students will be accepted into academy based on recomendations from their teachers and demonstrated interests in subject area.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dodela Evropskih MTV nagrada 6. novembra u Belfastu! / MTV EMA on November 6 in Belfast!

Ovogodišnja dodela evropskih MTV nagrada biće održana 6. novembra u glavnom gradu Severne Irske Belfastu, saopštio je MTV. Devetnaesta po redu dodela će se uživo prenositi na svim MTV kanalima iz obnovljene Odyssey Arene, a te nedelje biće organizovane i druge prateće manifestacije u Belfastu.
Organizatori najavljuju veče puno glamura, zanimljivih nastupa i velikih iznenađanja.
Prethodnih godina veliki broj zvezda nastupio je na ovoj ceromoniji među kojima su Madonna, Beyonce, Rihanna, Robbie Williams, U2, Coldplay i mnogi, mnogi drugi.
Zato, nema razloga da i ova dodela ne bude nezaboravna.


MTV Europe Music Awards ceremony will be held on November 6 in a capital of Northern Ireland Belfast, MTV announced today. The 19th ceremony will be broadcasted live from a reconstructed Odyssey Arena to all MTV channeles. Also many interesting events will be organized that week in Belfast.
Organisers announce the night full of glamour, many interesting performances and big surprises.
Many big stars performed in previous years. Among them are  Madonna, Beyonce, Rihanna, Robbie Williams, U2, Coldplay and many, many other.
So, we can all expect another unforgetable awards ceremony.