Adele se sa albumom 21 po peti put nalazi na vrhu liste najprodavanijih albuma u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Ovaj album je prošle nedelje prodat u 153 hiljade primeraka (65% više u odnosu na prošlu nedelju) i ovo je druga najbolja prodaja za 21 od objavljivanja u februaru.
Prošlonedeljni #1 album Wasting Light grupe Foo Fighters pao je na treće mesto sa 72 hiljade prodatih primeraka (pad za 69% u odnosu na prošlu nedelju).
Najnoviji soundtrack iz serije Glee "The Glee presents the Warblers" debitovao je na drugom mestu 86 hiljada prodatih primeraka što je do sada najmanja prodaja za Glee soundtrack.
Soundtrack za novi Diznijev film Lemonade Mouth beleži skok sa 18. na četvrto mesto zahvaljujući velikom broju repriza tokom prošle nedelje i popustu u Target prodavnicama. Ovaj soundtrack prodat je u 69 hiljada primeraka prošle nedelje što je za čak 222% više u odnosu na prošlu nedelju.
Popust u Targetu pomogao je i Justinu Bieberu da se vrati u top 10 sa remix albumom Never Say Never: the Remixes (36 hiljada prodatih primeraka).
Nastup u American Idolu omogućio je Katy Perry da se vrati na prvo mesto Billboard Hot 100 liste singlova sa pesmom E.T. E.T. je trenutno najprodavanija i najslušanija pesma na radio-stanicama.
Prošlonedeljni #1 single S&M koji izvode Rihanna i Britney Spears pao je na četvrto mesto.
Britanska pevačica Adele takođe je imala velike koristi od American Idola. Jedna takmičarka izvela je njen aktuelni single Rolling In the Deep, te je prodaja ove pesme porasla za 99% što joj je omogućilo drugo mesto na Billboard Hot 100 listi - najbolja pozicija u njenoj karijeri.
Novi single Bruna Marsa "The Lazy Song" napredovao je za pet pozicija i zauzeo šesto mesto ove nedelje. Ovo je bila četvrta najprodavanija pesma ove nedelje i 22. po slušanosti na radio-stanicama.
U top 10 se vratio i aktuelni single Ke$he "Blow" koji je ove nedelje na devetom mestu.
Top 10 liste albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.
21 by Adele is the weekly best selling album in the US for the fifth time. This album was sold in 153k copies last week (65% more compared to the last week) and this is the second best weekly sales for 21 since its release.
Last week #1 album Wasting Light by Foo Fighters slips to #3 with 72k copies sold (69% drop compared to the last week).
The most recent Glee soundtrack The Glee presents the Warblers debutes at #2 with 86k copies sold - the lowest sales for any Glee release.
A soundtrack for new Disney's movie Lemonade Mouth jumps from #18 to #4 thanks to a repeated ratings and a discount in Target. This soundtrack was sold in 69k last week which is 222% higher compared to previous week.
Target discount helps Justin Bieber too to return in top 10 with Never Say Never: the Remixes (36k).
American Idol performance helps Katy Perry to return to #1 on Billboard Hot 100 with E.T. This song tops both - Digital Songs and Radio Songs charts at the moment.
Last week #1 single S&M by Rihanna and Britney Spears slips to #4 this week.
Adele also benefits from American Idol. One contestant performed her latest single Rolling In the Deep which increased its sales for 99% and brought it to #2 this week - the highest chart position in her career.
The latest Bruno Mars' single The Laty Song jumps five positions to #6. This was the 4th best-selling song last week and the 22nd song on Radio Songs Chart.
The latest Ke$ha's single Blow returns to top 10 at #9.
Check out below top 10 Albums & Singles charts.
Top 10 Albums:
- (2) Adele - 21 (153k)
- (new) The Glee presents the Warblers (86k)
- (1) Foo Fighters - Wasting Light (72k)
- (18) Lemonade Mouth Soundtrack (69k)
- (6) Britney Spears - Femme Fatale (45k)
- (3) Alison Krauss + Union Station - Paper Airplane (42k)
- (10) Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More (39k)
- (4) Paul Simon - So Beautiful or So What (37k)
- (9) Chris Brown - F.A.M.E. (37k)
- (22) Justin Bieber - Never Say Never: the Remixes (36k)
- (2) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
- (6) Adele - Rolling In the Deep
- (3) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
- (1) Rihanna feat. Britney Spears - S&M
- (4) Jeremih feat. 50 Cent - Down On Me
- (11) Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song
- (8) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
- (7) Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes - Look at Me Now
- (12) Ke$ha - Blow
- (5) Cee-Lo Green - F**k You (Forget You)
Svaka cast za Katy Perry. :)