Dugoočekivani novi album pevačice Sophie Ellis Bextor "Make a Scene" biće objavljen 18. aprila. Album će ekskluzivno biti objavljen u Rusiji, potom sledi ostatak Evrope, dok će u njenoj rodnoj Velikoj Britaniji album biti objavljen krajem maja.
Sophie je na albumu počela da radi 2008. godine i prvobitno je bilo planirano da snimi nekoliko pesama za Greatest Hits kolekciju. Međutim, na kraju je odlučeno da snimi novi album. Objavljivanje albuma odlagano je nekoliko puta, a publika je već imala prilike da čuje četiri pesme sa ovog izdanja koje su objavljene kao singlovi - Heartbreak (Make Me a Dancer), Can't Fight This Feeling, Bittersweet i Not Giving Up On Love. Veliki sam fan ove prelepe i talentovane devojke i želim joj svu sreću sa ovim albumom!
Ovo je njen četvrti studijski album. Poslednji album Trip the Light Fantastic objavila je 2007. godine.
A long-awaited album by Sophie Ellis Bextor "Make a Scene" will be released on April 18. The album will be released in Russia first, then in the rest of Europe and the UK release is scheduled for the end of May.
Sophie started work on this album in 2008 and originally it was planned to record few songs for her Greatest Hits. However, it was decided that she would record a full studio album instead. The album release has been postponed few times.
Four singles have already been released from this release - Heartbreak (Make Me a Dancer), Can't Fight This Feeling, Bittersweet and Not Giving Up On Love. I'm a huge fan of this beautiful girl and I wish her all the luck with this release. She totally deserves it!
This is her fourth studio album. She released the last album Trip the Light Fantastic in 2007.
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