Novi album grupe Foo Fighters "Washing Light" bio je najprodavaniji prošle nedelje u Velikoj Britaniji sa 114 hiljada prodatih primeraka. Oni su prodali 7 hiljada primeraka više od aktuelnog albuma Adele "21" koji nije na prvom mestu po prvi put od objavljivanja u januaru. Ovo je treći uzastupni #1 album za Foo Fighters i četvrti ukupno.
Pored njih, jedini top 10 novitet ove nedelje je muzika iz serije Glee na četvrtom mestu, dok se album Cee-Lo Greena "Lady Killer" vratio u top 10 i zauzeo osmo mesto.
Što se liste singlova tiče, američki duo LMFAO nalazi se na prvom mestu ove nedelje sa pesmom Party Rock Anthem. Ovo je njihov prvi #1 single ne računajući njihovo učešće u pesmi Davida Guette "Gettin' Over You" koja je takođe stigla do prvog mesta.
Zahvaljujući remixu sa Britney Spaears, Rihanna se sa pesmom S&M vratila u top 10 i zauzela sedmo mesto.
Chris Brown sa pesmom Beautiful People beleži skok sa dvadesetog na osmo mesto.
Novi single Lady Gage "Judas", koji je objavljen u petak, uspeo je da dođe do 14. mesta sa oko 20 hiljada prodatih primeraka.
Kompletan top 10 pogledajte ispod ovog posta.
A new Foo Fighters' album Washing Light was the best-selling album in the UK last week selling 114k copies. They sold 7k copies more than Adele's latest album 21 which has left #1 spot for the first time since its release in January. This is the third consecutive #1 album for Foo Fighters and the fourth overall.
The only new entry beside them inside the top 10 is a new Glee soundtrack at #4, while Cee-Lo Green's latest album Lady Killers returns to top 10 at #8.
As for the singles chart, american duo LMFAO scores #1 with Party Rock Anthem. This is their first #1 single, although they were one of featuring artists on David Guetta's song Gettin' Over You that also reached #1.
Thanks to the remix with Britney Spears, Rihanna returns to top 10 at #7 with S&M.
Chris Brown with Beautiful People jumps from #20 to #8 this week.
Lady Gaga's new single "Judas", which was released on Friday, managed to reach #14 with 20k copies sold.
Check out the complete top 10 charts below this post.
Top 10 Albums:
- (new) Foo Fighters - Washing Light
- (1) Adele - 21
- (3) Adele - 19
- (new) Glee, The music: Season 5 - Vol 5
- (2) Katy B - On a Mission
- (4) Rihanna - Loud
- (5) Jessie J - Who You Are
- (14) Cee-lo Green - The Lady Killer
- (9) Elbow - Build a Rocket Boys!
- (8) Bruno Mars - Doo-Wops & Hooligans
Top 10 Singles:
- (2) LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett and GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem
- (1) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
- (5) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
- (9) Snoop Dogg vs David Guetta - Sweat
- (4) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
- (3) Adele - Someone Like You
- (12) Rihanna - S&M
- (20) Chris Brown feat. Benny Benassi - Beautiful People
- (6) Mann feat. 50 Cent - Buzzin
- (7) Nicole Scherzinger - Don't Hold Your Breath
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