Prvi april, međunarodni dan šale, ove nedelje pao se na najpoznatiji dan u nedelji - petak! Od ovoga je najviše koristi imala ko durgi nego Rebecca Black! Njen veliki hit Friday počeo je od pre nekoliko sati da neverovatnom brzinom napreduje na američkoj itunes listi i već je na prvom mestu! Ova pesma trenutno ima veliko vođstvo u odnosu na #2 - Katy Perry feat. Kaynye West "E.T.". Može li Friday da obori rekord Gaginog "Born This Way" i postane najbrže prodavani single u istoriji?
April Fools' Day this year is on the most famous day in the weeek - Friday! So the winner of this situation is nobody else but Rebecca Black! Her huge hit Friday has started rising really quickly few hours ago and it's already #1 on the USA iTunes Singles Chart! This song has a really huge lead compared to #2 - Katy Perry feat. Kaynye West "E.T.". Can Friday break a record of Gaga's "Born This Way" and become the fastest selling single in the history?
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