Foo Fighers su nakon 17 godina karijere dobili prvi #1 album u Americi. Oni su prošle nedelje prodali 235 hiljada primeraka novog albuma Wasting Light i bez problema se našli na vrhu Billboard Top 200 liste.
Prošlonedeljni #1 album 21 od Adele ove nedelje je na drugom mestu sa 93 hiljade prodatih primeraka.
Na trećem mestu je novi album Alison Krauss "Paper Airplane" koji je uradila sa bendom Union Station. Iako je ovo njena najbolja pozicija u karijeri, ovo je njena treća po redu najbolja nedeljna prodaja. Paper Airplane je prošle nedelje prodat u 83 hiljade primeraka.
Legendarni sedamdesetogodišnji pevač Paul Simon nalazi se na četvrtom mestu sa novim albumom So Beautiful or So What koji je prošle nedelje prodat u 68 hiljada primeraka što je njegova najbolja prodaja od 1990. godine.
Četvrti i poslednji novitet u top 10 je latino rok bend Mana koji je debitovao na petom mestu sa albumom Drama y Luz koji je prodat u 47 hiljada primeraka prošle nedelje. Ovo je drugi top 10 album za njih.
Što se liste singlova tiče, na vrhu Billboard Hot 100 liste ove nedelje je Rihanna sa pesmom S&M zahvaljujući remixu sa Britney Spears koji je objavljen prošle nedelje. Ovo je deseti #1 hit za Rihannu i ona je najmlađi izvođač sa deset #1 hitova jer je do tog broja došla sa samo 23 godine čime je oborila rekord Mariah Caraey koja je do svog desetog #1 hita došla sa 25 godina. Billboard je za razliku od ostalih svetskih top-lista uključio i Britney Spears kao izvođača ove pesme, te je tako ova pevačica dobila svoj peti #1 hit u Americi.
Prošlonedeljni #1 Katy Perry feat Kanye West - E.T. ove nedelje je na drugom mestu.
Jedini top 10 novitet ove nedelje je novi single Lady Gage "Judas" koji je objavljen u petak i uspeo je da stigne do desetog mesta.
Top 10 liste albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod.
Foo Fighters score their first #1 album in America after 17 years long career, Their latest album Wasting Light was sold in more than 235k copies last week and without problem topped Billboard Top 200 chart.
Last week #1 album 21 by Adele is at #2 this week with 93k copies sold.
Number 3 this week belongs to a new album by Alison Krauss with Union Station "Paper Airplane". This is her best position in a career, but the third best week when it comes to a weekly sales. Paper Airplane scanned 83k last week.
A legendary 70 years old singer/songwriter Paul Simon is at #4 this week with a new album So Beautiful or So What (68k) - his best weekly sales since 1990.
The fourth and the last new top 10 entry is the latest album by latino rock band Mana "Drama y Luz" which debutes at #5 (47k). This is their second top 10 album.
As for the Billboard Hot 100 chart Rihanna scores her tenth #1 with S&M which sales was fueled by a new remix released last week featuring Britney Spears. Rihanna has become the youngest artist to reach ten #1 hits, because she's only 23. She has broken Mariah Carey's record who got her tenth #1 when she was 25 back in 1995. Billboard credited Britney Spears as a featuring artist in this song as well, so the singer got her fifth US #1 single.
Last week #1 Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T. is at #2 this week.
The only new entry inside top 10 is a new single by Lady Gaga "Judas" which was released on Friday and managed to reach #10 this week.
Check out the rest of top 10 singles and albums below.
Top 10 Albums:
- (new) Foo Fighters - Wasting Light (235k)
- (1) Adele - 21 (93k)
- (new) Alison Krauss & Union Station - Paper Airplane (83k)
- (new) Paul Simon - So Beautiful or So What (68k)
- (new) Mana - Drama y Luz (47k)
- (2) Britney Spears - Femme Fatale (43k)
- (7) Songs for Japan (37k)
- (5) Wiz Khalifa - Rolling Papers (36k)
- (6) Chris Brown - F.A.M.E. (35k)
- (8) Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More (35k)
Top 10 Singles:
- (2) Rihanna feat. Britney Spears - S&M
- (1) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
- (3) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
- (6) Jeremih feat. 50 Cent - Down on Me
- (4) Cee-Lo Green - F**k You (Forget You)
- (10) Adele - Rolling In the Deep
- (7) Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes
- (9) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
- (8) Britney Spears - Till the World Ends
- (new) Lady Gaga - Judas
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