Pevačica Mariah Carey i njen suprug Nick Cannon dobili su najlepši poklon za četvrtu godišnjicu braka - postali su roditelji! Pevačicin publicista Cindi Berger potvrdila je ovu informaciju rekavši da je Mariah dobila dečaka i devojčicu koji za sada nemaju ime.
Carey i Cannon su u braku od 2007. godine. Mariah iza sebe ima jedan pobačaj, ali je ovog puta sve prošlo u najboljem redu. Ipak, Mariah je u nedavnom intervjuu izjavila da neće imati više dece, s obzirom na to da već ima 40 godina.
Sve čestitke novopoečenim roditeljima :)
Mariah Carey and her husband Nick Cannon got the best present for their fourth anniversary - they became parents! The singer's representative Cindi Berger confirmed this saying that Mariah gave birth to a boy and girl, but the couple has not named children yet.
Carey and Cannon have been in marriage since 2007. Mariah faced a miscarriage in the past, but this time everything went well. Still, Mariah said in a recent interview that she won't have more children, because she's already 40.
Congrats to the newly parents :)
Best selling Female artist in history, Billboard Artist of the decade, #18 #1's, 16 World Music Awards, pregršt Billbord-ovih nagrada, 10 AMA, 5 Grammy..... Ikona, Epitom talenta i definišući umetnik savremene POP kulture, Najsnažnija muzička sila od pojave MJ, Part of the TRINITY: The Beatles, Elvis, Mariah. The Voice of the Generation, pevačica, glumica, kompozitor, kantautor, humanista, majka. Sinonim uspeha: Mariah Carey. #dembabies #Lambily
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