Popularni britanski girl bend Girls Aloud ponovo će se okupiti 2012 kako bi obeležile 10 godina od osnivanja grupe, potvrdila je njihova menadžerka Hilary Shaw.
Ipak, ona je dodala da fanovi ne očekuju novi album jer je Cheryl Cole zauzeta zbog promocije sopstvenih pesama i angažmana oko X-Factora, ali koncerata će svakako biti.
Girls Aloud nastale su 2002. godine nakon talent show programa Popstars the Rivals. Od tada su objavile pet albuma i dvadeset uzastopnih top 10 singlova. Poslednji album Out of Control objavile su 2008. godine nakon čega su se članice posvetile solo karijerama na različitim poljima. Najuspešnija je bila Cheryl Cole kojoj je publicitet u X-Factoru kao članici žirija doneo dva #1 albuma i četiri top 5 hita, uključujući #1 hitove Fight for This Love i Promise This.
A popular British girl band Girls Aloud will reunite in 2012 to mark their 10th anniversary, their manager Hilary Shaw confirmed.
Still, she added that fans should not expect a new album just yet, because Cheryl Cole is busy with her solo career and possible slot in X-Factor, but we can expect concerts.
Girls Aloud were formed in 2002 through talent show Popstars the Rivals. They released five albums and 20 consecutive top 10 singles since. The last album Out of Control was released in 2008 after witch band members started their solo careers in different areas. The most successful was Cheryl Cole who, thanks to the publicity as a X-Factor judge, scored two #1 albums and four top 5 hits, including #1s Fight for This Love and Promise This.
Everybody go to Youtube. Theres a remix of this single produced by this guy name Fyuchur. Its Hot!!! Even her fans love it