Adele je ove nedelje oborila još jedan rekord na britanskoj top-listi albuma. S obzirom na to da je 21 broj 1 jedanaestu nedelju zaredom, Adele je postala solo izvođač sa najviše uzastopnih nedelja na prvom mestu. Ovaj album prošle nedelje prodat je u 120 hiljada primeraka. Interesantno je da nijedan drugi album u istoriji nije prodavan u više od 100 hiljada primeraka 11 uzastopnih nedelja.
U top 10 su dva noviteta ove nedelje. Na drugom mestu je mlada pevačica Katy B sa debi albumom On a Mission. Novi album škotskog rok benda Glasvegas "Euphoric Heartbreak" zauzeo je 10. mesto, što je pad u odnosu na njihov debi album koji je dospeo do drugog mesta.
Tri albuma vratila su se u top 10. Album Michaela Bublea "Crazy Love" ove nedelje je na sedmom mestu i ovo je 77. nedelja na top-listi za ovaj album. Bruno Mars se sa albumom Doo-Wops & Hooligans popeo sa jedanaestog na osmo mesto, dok je sa 14. na deveto mesto skočio aktuelni album grupe Elbow "Build a Rocket Boys".
Jennifer Lopez je sa pesmom On the Floor i dalje #1 na listi singlova i ovo je prvi put da J. Lo ima #1 hit više od jedne nedelje. Novih pesama u top 10 nema, ali su neke, već poznate, pesme prvi put zauzele top 10 poziciju. Pesma E.T. koju izvode Katy Perry i Kanye West skočila je sa dvanaestog na peto mesto. Mann i 50 Cent su sa pesmom Buzzin na šestom mestu - napredak sa jedanaestog mesta, dok je na devetom mestu Snoop Dogg sa pesmom Sweat - skok sa šesnaestog mesta.
Top 10 liste albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.
Adele broke another record this week on UK albums chart. Her album 21 spends eleventh consecutive week on the top, so Adele has become a solo performer with most consecutive weeks on top of the albums chart. This album was sold in 120k copies last week which is another record, because no other album in the chart history managed to score sales of over 100k for eleven consecutive weeks.
There are two new entires inside top 10 this week. A young singer Katy B reached #2 with her debut album On the Mission. A new album by Scotish rock band Glasvegas took #10 which is lower compared to their self titled debut that reached #2 in 2008.
Three albums re-entered top 10 this week. Michael Buble's "Crazy Love" is #7 this week, and this is the 77th charting week for this album. Bruno Mars' album Doo-Wops & Hooligans is up from #11 to #8, while Elbow's latest album Build a Rocket Boys jumpes from #14 to #9 this week.
Jennifer Lopez is still #1 on the singles chart with On the Floor and this is the first time that she has a numer 1 hit for more than a week. There are no completily new songs inside top 10 this week, but three songs took top 10 spot for the first time. E.T. by Katy Perry and Kanye West is #5 this week (up from #12), Buzzin by Mann and 50 Cent reaches #6 (up from #11), while Snoop Dogg's single Sweat jumps from #16 to #9.
Top 10 albums and singles lists are below this post.
Top 10 Albums:
- (1) Adele - 21
- (new) Katy B - On a Mission
- (2) Adele - 19
- (5) Rihanna - Loud
- (9) Jessie J - Who You Are
- (4) Overtones - Good Ol' Fashioned Love
- (12) Michael Buble - Crazy Love
- (11) Bruno Mars - Doo-Wops & Hooligans
- (14) Elbow - Build a Rocket Boys
- (new) Glasvegas - Euphoric Heartbreak
- (1) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
- (3) Lmfao, Lauren Bennett & Goonrock - Party Rock Anthem
- (2) Adele - Someone Like You
- (4) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
- (12) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
- (11) Mann feat. 50 Cent - Buzzin
- (5) Nicole Scherzinger - Don't Hold Your Breath
- (6) Wiz Khalifa - Black & Yellow
- (16) Snoop Dogg - Sweat
- (7) Jessie J feat. B.o.B - Price Tag
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