Monday, April 25, 2011

Heather Bright: Mnoge pop zvezde se lažno predstavljaju kao autori pesama! / Many pop stars are falsely credited as songwriters!

Možda ne znate ko je Heather Bright, ali je u muzičkoj industriji itekako poznata jer je napisala veliki broj pesama za Justina Biebera, Britney Spears, Ushera, Akona, Michaela Jacksona i mnoge druge. U intervjuu za Free-Wired ona je otkirla da se mnoge pop zvezde potpisuju kao autori svojih pesama iako nisu napisali ni jednu notu ili stih. Na taj način dobijaju novac od autorskih prava iako ga nisu zaradili. Mediji često optužuju Beyonce da se lažno potpisuje kao autor, ali Heather kaže da ona nije jedina. Iako bi trebalo da autori pesama dobijaju više novca od prodaje i autorskih prava to nije uvek tako i zavisi ko je izvođač. Heather kaže:
Rihanna dobija novac od autorskih prava, Justin Bieber dobija novac od autorskih prava, Kanye West dobija novac od autorskih prava iako oni ne učestvuju u stvaranju pesama.
Kao primer navela je poslednji hit Justina Bibera "Somebody to Love" koji je ona napisala, ali je kao jedan od autora potpisan i Justin koji je pesmu samo otpevao.
Ipak, Bright je pohvalila zvezde poput Lady Gage koja zaista sama piše svoje pesme, ali i Britney Spears, za koju je uradila pesmu Trouble for Me sa poslednjeg albuma Femme Fatale, jer kaže da se Britney ne potpisje lažno kao autor. 


You may not know who Heather Bright is, but she's very well known in the music industry because she wrote many songs for Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, Usher, Akon, Michael Jackson and many others. In an interview for Free-Wired she revealed that many pop starts are falsely credited as co-writers of their songs, although they didn't write a single note or word. In that way they get money from publishing they didn't earn. Medias often accuse Beyonce for doing this, but Heather says she's not the only one. Although it's supposed that authors get more money from publishing, that's not always a case and it depends on who the artist is.
Rihanna takes publishing, Justin Bieber takes publishing, Kanye West takes publishing. On all the stuff that they don’t write, they take publishing.
The most recent example for this is a hit by Justin Bieber "Somebody to Love" that was written by Heather, but Bieber is credited too although he only sang the song.
Still, Bright praised artists that really wite their songs such as Lady Gaga. But she also praised Britney Spears, for whom Heather wrote Trouble for Me from the latest album Femme Fatale, because according to Heather , Britney doesn't take writing credits for songs she didn't write.

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