Iako Britney Spears nije napisala ni jednu pesmu na svom poslednjem albumu Femme Fatale (osim što je koautor pesme Scary, koja je bonus pesma na japanskom izdanju albuma), ona je svoju kreativnost rešila da pokaže na novom albumu Diznijeve zvezde Selene Gomez (aka devojka Justina Biebera).
Producenti pop princeze Dr. Luke i Kevin Rudolph potvrdili su ovu vest rekavši da je Britney napisala tri pesme za Selenu od koje će se najverovatnije dve naći na albumu. Rudolph je pesme opisao kao brze, zarazne i sexy.
Novi album Selene Gomez biće objavljen 28. juna.
Although Britney Spears didn't write a single song from her new album Femme Fatale (except being a co-author of Scary, which is a bonus track on Japanese version of the album), she decided to show her creativity on an upcoming album of Disney star Selena Gomez (aka Justin Bieber girlfriend).
Producers of pop princess Dr. Luke and Kevin Rudolph confirmed this saying that Britney wrote three songs for Selena, while two of them will be most probably featured on the album. Rudolph described songs as catchy, fast and sexy.
The new album by Selena Gomez is scheduled for June 28.
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