Još jedna zanimljiva nedelja na britanskim top-listama, zahvaljujući Danu majki koji je bio veoma značajan za prodaju. Adele je sa albumom 21 oborila još jedan rekord. Ona je postala ženski izvođač sa najviše uzastopnih nedelja na vrhu top-liste albuma - 10. Ovaj rekord je držala Madonna sa The Immaculate Collection koja je 1991. godine devet uzastopnih nedelja bila na vrhu. 21 je tokom protekle nedelje prodat u 257 hiljada primeraka, što je najveći broj u njenoj karijeri i ove godine uopšte.
Adele nisu uspela da sklone sa vrha ni dva velika izdanja. Novi album grupe Radiohead "The King of Limbs" koji je prvobitno bio dostupan samo kao download sa njihovog sajta, sada je i komercijalno objavljen, ali uspeo je da dođe samo do sedmog mesta čime je narušen niz #1 albuma, jer je pet njihovih prethodnih izdanja završilo na ovoj poziciji. Mnogo se očekivalo i od novog albuma Britney Spears "Femme Fatale". Ona ni ovoga puta nije dobila #1 album u Velikoj Britaniji, samo razočaravajuće osmo mesto.
Album takmičarke iz X-Factora, Mary Byrne, Mine & Yours debitovao je na šestom mestu, dok se u top 10 vratio posthumni album Eve Cassidy "Simply Eva".
Ovonedeljna kraljica liste singlova je Jennifer Lopez sa hit-singlom "On the Floor". Ova pesma je prošle nedelje prodata u više od 130 hiljada primeraka što je bilo dovoljno da sa trona skine Adele i Someone Like You - mesto broj dva ove nedelje. Ovo je treći #1 single za J. Lo u Velikoj Britaniji.
Single Party Rock Anthem koji izvode Lmfao, Lauren Bennett i Goonrock napredovao je sa 22. na treće mesto. Novitet među top 10 je novi single mlade pevačice Katy B "Broken Record" - #8.
Top 10 singlova i albuma možete pogledati ispod ovog posta.
Another interesting week on UK charts thanks to Mother's Day. Adele with 21 broke another record on albums chart. She has become a female artist with the most consecutive weeks on top of the chart, as 21 is sitting for the tenth week there. This record previously held Madonna whose The Immaculate Collection spent nine consecutive weeks back in 1991. 21 was sold in more than 257k copies last week which is the biggest weekly sales in her career and this year overall so far.
Even two big releases this week were unable to dethrone Adele. A new album by Radiohead "The King of Limbs", which was previously available only as a download release from their website, was comercially released, but it only reached #7 which broke the strings of #1s - the position of band's five previous releases. A lot was expected from a new Britney Spears' album Femme Fatale. She failed again to get UK #1 album reaching disappointing #8.
An album by X-Factor semi-finalist Mary Byrn "Mine & Yours" debuted at #6, while a posthumous album by Eva Cassidy "Simply Eva" returned to top 10.
The queen of this week singles chart is Jennifer Lopez with her hit-single On the Floor. This song was sold in more than 130k copies last week which was enough to move Adele's Someone Like You to #2. This is the third #1 single for J. Lo in the UK.
A single Party Rock Anthem by Lmfao, Lauren Bennett and Goonrock jumped from #22 to #3 this week. The only new entry among top 10 singles is a new single by a young singer Katy B "Broken Record - #8.
You can check out below this week UK top 10 singles and albums.
Top 10 albums:
- (1) Adele - 21
- (2) Adele - 19
- (5) Ronan Keating & Burt Bacharach - When Ronan Met Burt
- (6) Overtones - Good Ol' Fashioned Love
- (7) Rihanna - Loud
- (new) Mary Byrne - Mine & Yours
- (new) Radiohead - The King of Limbs
- (new) Britney Spears - Femme Fatale
- (4) Jessie J - Who You Are
- (19) Eva Cassidy - Simply Eva
- (new) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
- (1) Adele - Someone Like You
- (22) Lmfao, Lauren Bennett and Goonrock - Party Rock Anthem
- (3) Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
- (2) Nicole Scherzinger - Don't Hold Your Breath
- (7) Wiz Khalifa - Black and Yellow
- (5) Jessie J feat. B.o.B - Price Tag
- (new) Katy B - Broken Record
- (6) Rihanna - S&M
- (8) Dr. Dre feat. Eminem and Skylar Grey - I Need a Doctor
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