Aktuelni album Adele "21" vratio se na prvo mesto liste najprodavanijih albuma u Americi. Ovaj album prošle nedelje je prodat u 88 hiljada primeraka. Tako je 21 postao prvi album ove godine koji je prodat u više od milion kopija u Americi.
Prošlonedeljni #1 album Femme Fatale od Britney Spears ove nedelje je na drugom mestu sa 75 hiljada prodatih primeraka.
Među top 10 najprodavanijih albuma samo su dva noviteta ove nedelje. Novi album rock benda Hollywood Undead "American Tragedy" dospeo je do četvrtog mesta sa 66 hiljada prodatih primeraka što je najviša pozicija i najbolja nedeljna prodaja u njihovoj karijeri.
Novi album engleskog metal benda Asking Alexandria "Reckless & Relentless" debitovao je na devetom mestu sa 33 hiljade prodatih primeraka što je veliki napredak u odnosu na njihov debi album koji je stigao tek do 170. mesta.
Bend Mumford & Sons vratio se u top 10 sa albumom Sigh No More koji je skočio sa 11. na osmo mesto.
Što se najpopularnijih singlova u Americi tiče, Katy Perry je sa pesmom E.T. treću nedelju zaredom na vrhu Billboard Hot 100 liste. Ova pesma je i dalje ubedljivo najprodavanija, dok je druga najslušanija pesma na radio-stanicama u zemlji.
Britney Spears se sa singlom Till the World Ends vratila u top 10 zahvaljujući premijeri spota i ovo je za sada najviša pozicija za ovu pesmu.
Top 10 liste albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.
The latest album by Adele "21" returns to #1 this week on the best-selling albums chart in the USA. This album was sold in more than 88k copies and it's the first album this year that sold more than 1 million copies.
Last week #1 album Femme Fatale by Britney Spears is at #2 this week with 75k copies sold.
There are only two new albums inside top 10 this week. A new album by rock band Holywood Undead "American Tragedy" reaches #4 with 66k copies sold this week which is the highest position and weekly sales in their careers.
A new album by English metal band Asking Alexandira "Reckless & Relentless" debutes at #9 this week with 33k copies sold which is a huge leap compared to their debut album that peaked only at #170.
Mumford & Sons return to top 10 with Sigh No More jumping from #11 to #8.
As for the most popular singles in the US, Katy Perry is #1 for the third consecutive week on the top of Billboard Hot 100 with her single E.T. This is the best-selling single at the moment and it's also #2 on Radio Songs chart.
Britney Spears returns to top 10 with Till The World Ends after the video premiere jumping from #13 to #8, the single's peak for now.
You can check out top 10 albums and singles below this post.
Top 10 Albums:
- (3) Adele - 21 (88k)
- (1) Britney Spears - Femme Fatale (75k)
- (6) Radiohead - The King of Limbs (67k)
- (new) Hollywood Undead - American Tragedy (66k)
- (2) Wiz Khalifa - Rolling Papers (59k)
- (4) Chris Brown - F.A.M.E. (51k)
- (5) Songs for Japan (51k)
- (11) Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More (34k)
- (new) Asking Alexandira - Reckless & Relentless (33k)
- (9) Kirk Franklin - Hello fear (31k)
- (1) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
- (2) Rihanna - S&M
- (3) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
- (4) Cee-lo Green - F**k You (Forget You)
- (5) Lady GaGa - Born This Way
- (7) Jermih feat. 50 Cent - Down on Me
- (6) Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes
- (13) Britney Spears - Till the World Ends
- (8) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
- (10) Adele - Rolling In the Deep
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