Kažu da je apokalipsa blizu, a znaci postaju sve učestaliji. Tako je magazin Times uvrstio Justina Biebera na svoju godišnju listu sto najuticajnijih ljudi na svetu. E sad, to što nije precizirano kako određena osoba utiče na vaš nervni sistem je drugi padež.
Zato ću vam dati jedan savet. Ako ste muško i u sedamnaestoj godini imate glas kao petogodišnja devojčica, pa još želite da postanete urbani i furate gangsta fazon dok plačete za devojčicom koja vam je otela sladoled i imate ludu sreću da sretnete Ushera, obavezno okrenite to u svoju korist. Stavljaće vas na listu zajedno sa Oprahom Winfrey, Glenn Close, Obamom, Stingom i sl.
Ne zvuči loše uopšte. A sada pročitajte prvu rečenicu ponovo.
It's said that an apocalypse is close and its signs have become more frequent. For instance, Times magazine included Justin Bieber on their annual list of 100 Most influential people in the world. To be honest, it was not specified how the certan person affects your nervous system.
So, in this post I want to give you an advice. If you're a 17-years old boy with an voice of 5-years old girl who wants to become urban fueled by gangsta style while you're crying for a girl who stole your ice cream and you're so lucky to meet Usher, you have to turn all these defects into talent! You'll be put on lists with Oprah, Glenn Close, Obama, Sting etc.
Doesn't sound bad at all to me. Now read the first sentence again.
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