Tuesday, April 19, 2011

TWOP recommends: Lenka - Two

Novi album australijske pevačice Lenke pod nazivom Two od danas je u prodaji. U Australiji se proslavila kao glumica, dok je publici širom sveta poznata po pesmi The Show, sa njenog prvog albuma Lenka, koja se mogla čuti u mnogim serijama, filmovima i reklamama.
Ono što je karakteristično za njenu muziku, pa tako i za album Two, jeste jednostavna skoro bajkovita pop muzika. S obzirom na to da je glumila u dečjim programima, u pesmama ona je dete koje svet gleda iz nekog drugog, naivnog ugla, jer kako sama kaže, ponekad se zaista oseća kao dete u ovom svetu.
Ona nastavlja svoju priču, a mi toplo preporučujemo da poslušate ovaj album ukoliko volite prijatnu, neopterećujuću i na momente vrlo zabavnu pop muziku koja će vas najverovatnije vratiti u detinjstvo. Naravno, i oni koji pop muziku shvataju malo ozbiljnije naći će nešto za sebe :)
Ispod ovog posta možete poslušati prvi single sa albuma Heart Skips a Beat.


New album by Australian singer Lenka titled Two has gone on sale today. Known as an actress in Australia, she rose to fame as a singer. She's recognized by a song The Show worldwide, from her debut album Lenka, which was featured on many movies comercials and tv series.
Her music generally, so the album Two as well, is simple almost fairytales-like pop. Considering that she was the actress in tv programs, her singing persona is a child actually who sings about the world from her own, naive perspective. Even she admits that she feels like a child sometimes in this world.
Her story continues, and we recommend this album if you like nice, easy-going and occasionaly funny music which would probably bring you back to the childhood.
Listen to the first single Heart Skips a Beat below.
Of course, those who pop music take more seriously will find something for themselves on this album too :)


  1. Jaooo, obozavam je, ove njene preslatke pesme i divne spotove <3

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