Thursday, March 31, 2011

Katy Perry objavila spot za pesmu "E.T." / Katy Perry debutes video for "E.T."

Katy Perry je objavila spot za svoj aktuelni hit E.T. U spotu možemo videti veliki broj zanimljivih i neobičnih kostima koji su u skladu sa pesmom koja govori o postojanju natprirodnog. Katy je rekla da joj je šminkanje najteže palo, ali da je zadovoljna rezultatom.
Spot je režirala Floria Sigismondi koja je, između ostalih, sarađivala sa Christinom Aguilerom, grupama Muse, The Cure i mnogim drugim.
Ova pesma je ovonedeljni #1 na Billboard Hot 100 listi.
Uživajte u spotu :)


Katy Perry has debuted a video for her latest hit E.T. We can see many interesting and unusual costumes in this video which portray the song about a supernatural extraterrestrial. Katy said that a make-up process had been really exhausting, but she was happy with a result.
The video is directed by Floria Sigismondi who collaborated with, among others, Christina Aguilera, Muse, The Cure etc.
This song is this week #1 on Billboard Hot 100.
Enjoy the video :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rebecca Black snima novu pesmu pod nazivom "LOL" / Rebecca Black to record a new song titled "LOL"

Internet senzacija Rebecca Black, čiji je spot za pesmu Friday dostigao 66 miliona pregleda, snima novu pesmu. Ako ste mislili da se pesma zove Saturday, prevarili ste. Zove se LOL (lol). Iako su neki kritičari pesmu Friday proglasili najgorom pesmom svih vremena, a spot ima rekordan broj dislajkova na youtube-u, Rebecca ne odustaje. Ona kaže da su joj "zlobni" komentari u početku smetali, ali da se zahvaljujući podršci Lady Gage oporavila i rešila da krene dalje (blago nama!). Njen menadžer je izjavio da je trenutno u pregovorima sa nekoliko velikih izdavačkih kuća oko objavljivanja albuma. Da je cela priča oko Rebecce postala ozbiljnija govori u prilog činjenica da je Friday zauzeo 38. mesto prošle nedelje na listi najprodavanijih singlova u Americi. Izgleda da Justin Bieber nije dovoljan, pa nam treba i njegova ženska verzija. A možda je to i on, samo sa perikom. Meni liči...


Internet sensation Rebecca Black, whose video Friday reached 66m views on youtube, is preparing a new song. If you think that title is Saturday, you're wrong. It's titled LOL (really lol). Although some critics labeled Friday as the worst song ever and the video broke a record of dislikes on youtube, Rebecca doesn't give up! She says that "evil" comments really hurt at first, but thanks to Lady Gaga's support she decided to move on (good for us!). Her manager says he's in talk at the moment with some big record labels about releasing her debut album. That all this Rebecca story has become a little more serious, proves the fact that Friday is #38 on Hot Digital Songs Chart in the USA this week! It seems that Justin Bieber isn't enough and all we need is his female version. And maybe Rebecca is Justin actually, only with a wig. They look very similar to me...

Lady Gaga postaje kolumnistkinja! / Lady Gaga to become a columnist!

Sada će fanovi Jelene Karleuše (a možda i Seke Aleksić) reći kako Gaga kopira ove "dive", ali Lady Gaga je rešila da postane i kolumnistkinja. Ona je tvitovala da sledećeg meseca postaje kolumnistkinja u V magazinu i da će pisati o modi i umetnosti. 
Gaga i V magazin će takođe organizovati takmičenje Drawn This Way (nacrtana na ovaj način) u kome će fanovi imati priliku da pošalju svoje crteže Lady Gage. Pobednički crtež biće objavljen iznad kolumne. 
Njena prva kolumna biće objavljena 12. maja, otkrili su u magazinu. 


Lady Gaga decided to become a columnist. She tweeted that she'll become a columnist of V magazine and that she'll write about art+fashion. 
Gaga and V magazine will also organise a competition Drawn This Way during which fans will have a chance to submit their drawings of Lady Gaga. The best drawing will be published alongside Gaga's column.
Her first column will be published on May 12, magazine revealed.

Billboard liste: Katy Perry zamenila Lady Gagu na vrhu Hot 100 liste; Prvi #1 album za Chrisa Browna / Billboard Charts: Katy Perry replaces Lady Gaga on the top of Hot 100; First #1 album for Chris Brown

Na ovonedeljnoj Billboard Top 200 listi najprodavanijih albuma u Americi, nalazi se čak sedam noviteta unutar top 10! Problematični reper Chris Brown nalazi se na prvom mestu sa albumum F.A.M.E. Ovaj album je prošle nedelje prodat u više od 270 hiljada primeraka i ovo je njegov prvi #1 album u karijeri.
Drugi album Jennifer Hudson "I Remember Me" debitovao je na drugom mestu baš kao i njen debi album. Ovaj album je prošle nedelje prodat u 165 hiljada primeraka. Prošlonedeljni #1 album 21 pevačice Adele ove nedelje je na trećem mestu sa 96 hiljada prodatih primeraka, baš kao i prošle nedelje.
Novi album grupe The Strokes "Angels" stigao je do četvrtog mesta, baš kao i njihova dva prethodna albuma. Angels je prodat u 89 hiljada kopija prošle nedelje.
Gospel pevač Kirk Franklin je sa albumom Hello Fear debitovao na petom mestu sa prodatih 87 hiljada primeraka. Ovo je njegova najbolja pozicija i nedeljna prodaja još od njegovog albuma iz 2002. The Rebirth of Kirk Franklin koji je zauzeo četvrto mesto sa 91 hiljadom prodatih primeraka.
Kompilacija objavljena za pomoć Japanu Songs for Japan uspela je da dođe do šestog mesta za samo tri dana prodaje - 68 hiljada prodatih primeraka.
Zanimljivo je da su svi top 5 albumi izdanja Sony Musica. 
Novi album grupe Panic at the Disco "Vices & Virutes" nalazi se na sedmom mestu (68 hiljada), dok je Bobby V's zauzeo deveto mesto sa Fly on the Wall". (38 hiljada)
Ostatak liste top 10 albuma možete pogledati ispod ovog teksta.
Na Billboard Hot 100 listi najpopularnijih pesama u Americi, Katy Perry je sa novim singlom E.T. preuzela vođstvo od Lady Gage koja je na vrhu provela šest nedelja sa Born This Way. E.T. bila je najprodavanija pesma prošle nedelje, dok je na radio-stanicama bila deseta najslušanija pesma u zemlji. Ovo je peti #1 hit za Katy Perry na Billboard Hot 100 listi. Zanimljivo je pomenuti da su svi njeni objavljeni singlovi sa albuma Teenage Dream postali #1 hitovi. Prošlonedeljni #1 hit Born This Way ove nedelje nalazi se na četvrtom mestu. 
Jedini novitet ove nedelje unutar top 10 je novi single Wiz Khalife "No Sleep". Ova pesma bila je druga najprodavanija pesma prošle nedelje što je bilo dovoljno da se nađe na šestom mestu Billboard Hot 100 liste.
Aktuelni single Jennifer Lopez "On the Floor" vratio se u top 10 zahvaljujući podršci radio-stanica.
Top 10 listu najpopularnijih pesama u Americi pogledajte ispod ovog teksta.


There are five new albums inside top 10 on Billboard Top 200 chart of best-selling albums in the USA. A troubled rapper Chris Brown debutes at #1 with his new album F.A.M.E. This album was sold in more than 270k copies last week and this is his first #1 in a career. 
Jennifer Hudson's sophmore album I Remeber Me debutes at #2, the same position as her debut album (165k).
Last week #1 album 21 by Adele goes down to #3 with 96k copies sold, the same amount as last week.
A new Strokes' album "Angels" reaches #4 (89k), the same position as their two previous albums.
A gospel singer Kirk Franklin debutes at #5 with his new release Hello Fear (87k). This is his best position and best weekly sales since his 2002 release The Rebirth of Kirk Franklin whitch peaked at #4 with 91k copies sold.
A charity compilation for Japan relief Songs for Japan reaches #6 after only three days of sales (68k).
It's interesting to mention that all top 5 albums are Sony Music releases.
A new Panic at the Disco's album Vices & Virutes bows at #7 (68k), while a hew release by Bobby V's "Fly on the Wall" debutes at #9 (38k).
You can check out the rest of top 10 albums below this text.
On Billboard Hot 100 chart, Katy Perry with her new single E.T. replaces Lady Gaga who spent six weeks on the top with Born This Way. E.T. was the best-selling song last week and the tenth most listened song on radio. This is Perry's fifth #1 single. It's interesting to mention that all singles released from her last album Teenage Dream became #1 hits. Last week #1 hit Born This Way goes down to #4.
The only new top 10 entry is a new single by Wiz Khalifa "No Sleep" which was the second best-selling single last week which and it was enough for #6 on Hot 100.
Jennifer Lopez returns to top 10 with On the Floor after bigger radio support.
You can check out top 10 chart of most popular songs in the USA below this text.

Top 10 Albums:

  1. (New) Chris Brown - F.A.M.E.
  2. (New)  Jennifer Hudson - I Remember Me
  3. (1) Adele - 21
  4. (New) The Strokes - Angels
  5. (New) Kirk Franklin - Hello Fear
  6. (New) Songs for Japan
  7. (New) Panic at the Disco - Vices & Virutes
  8. (5) Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More
  9. (New) Bobby V's - Fly on the Wall
  10. (3) Lupe Fiasco - Lasers
Top 10 Singles:

  1. (2) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
  2. (3) Rihanna - S&M
  3. (4) Cee-Lo Green - F**k You (Forget You)
  4. (1) Lady Gaga - Born This Way
  5. (5) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
  6. (New) Wiz Khalifa - No Sleep
  7. (8) Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes - Look at Me Now
  8. (7) P!nk - F**kin' Perfect
  9. (10) Jeremih feat. 50 Cent - Down On Me
  10. (13) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor

Procureo novi single Jennifer Lopez! / New jennifer Lopez single leaked!

Novi single Jenifer Lopez "I'm Into You" je na netu. U pitanju je duet sa Lil Wayneom i ova pesma je drugi single sa njenog predstojećeg albuma Love?
Šta mislite o pesmi? :)


New single by Jennifer Lopez "I'm Into You" is online now! This is a collab with Lil Wayne which serves as the second single from her upcoming album Love?
Any thoughts? :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Objavljen novi album Britney Spears! / New Britney Spears album released!

Novi album Britney Spears "Femme Fatale", njen sedmi po redu, od danas je i zvanično u prodaji širom sveta. Album je dostupan u standardnoj i deluxe verziji. Pevačica kaže da joj vrhovi top-lista nisu primarni. Ona želi da fanovi "osete" njenu muziku i da novim pesama inspiriše druge umetnike.
Femme Fatale su kritičari ocenili kao njen najbolji album do sada, a kako će publika reagovati saznaćemo naredne nedelje kada top-liste širom sveta budu objavljene.   


A new album by Britney Spears, her seventh, is released today oficially. The album is available as a standard and deluxe version. The singer says that topping charts isn't her priority. She wants that her fans "feel" her music and to inspire other artists with new songs.
Critics described this album as her best to date and reactions of the audience will be known after new charts being published next week.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sade najavili ultimativnu kolekciju / Sade announce The Ultimate Collection

Britanska grupa Sade objaviće trećeg maja kompilaciju The Ultimate Collection. Pored najvećih hitova ovog benda poput Smooth Operator, No ordinary Love, Jezebel i mnogih drugih, na kompilaciji će se naći i tri nove pesme. Album će najaviti nova verzija pesme Moon and the Sky sa poslednjeg albuma Soldier of Love u kojoj učestvuje Jay-Z. 
Osim albuma na kome će biti 28 pesama, biće objavljen i DVD sa svim spotovima ovog benda. 


British band Sade will release The Ultimate Collection on May 3rd. Beside their greatest hits such as Smooth Operator, No ordinary Love, Jezebel and many others, the compilation will include three new tracks. This album will be preceded by a new version of Moon and the Sky from their last album Soldier of Love which features Jay-Z.
Beside 28-track album, a DVD with all band's videos will also be released. 

Ladytron: Izdavačka kuća je kriva za neuspeh poslednjeg albuma Christine Aguilere / The record label is responsible for a flop of Christina Aguilera's last album

Članovi benda Ladytron koji su sarađivali sa Christinom Aguilerom na njenom albumu Bionic rekli su da je njena izdavačka kuća RCA kriva zbog komercijalnog neuspeha ovog albuma. Oni kažu da se objavljena verzija albuma razlikuje od one koju  oni čuli. "Christina je imala dobru viziju albuma i sve je išlo u dobrom smeru, ali su  u RCA sve sjebali svojom intervencijom", rekli su članovi benda. "Želeli su da Christinu predstave kao direktnu konkurenciju Lady Gagi i to im se obilo u glavu", dodali su oni.
Album Bionic do danas je prodat u oko 500 hiljada primeraka i smatra se jednim od najvećih komercijalnih neuspeha prošle godine.


Members of Ladytron who collaborated with Christina Aguilera on her last album Bionic blame her record label RCA for a flop of this album. They say that a released version was different from the one Christina played to them. "Christina had a good vision and she was on the right track, but RCA everything fucked up with their interventions", band members said. "They wanted to market Christina as a direct competition to Lady Gaga which turned out to be a backfire", they added.
Bionic has been sold in around 500k copies to date and it's considered as one of the biggest flops last year. 

Kylie Minogue želi duet sa Britney Spears / Kylie Minogue wants to duet with Britney Spears

Kylie Minogue je u jednom intervjuu otkrila da bi volela da snimi duet sa Britney Spears jer misli da bi to bila sjajna saradnja. Kylie, koja je na turneji, misli da je Britney sjajna i kaže da joj je trenutno omiljena pesma He About to Lose Me koja se nalazi na deluxe verziji Britneynog albuma Femme Fatale i da je stalno pevuši.
Kylie je takođe otkrila da razmišlja o tome da zvuk na njenom novom albumu bude drugačiji od pop zvuka na koji smo navikli.
U svakom slučaju, ova saradnja bi bila više nego zanimljiva! 


Kylie Minogue revealed in one of her interviews that she would like to record a duet with Britney Spears because she thinks that would be a great collaboration. Kylie, who's touring at the moment, thinks that Britney is great and she says that her favorite song at the moment is Britney's track from deluxe version of Femme Fatale - He About to Lose Me and that she sings it all the time.
Kylie also revealed that she was thinking about branching out from her usual pop sound on the next record.
Anway, the collaboration between these pop stars would be more than interesting!

Britanske top liste: Dupli #1 za Adele... ponovo! / UK Charts: Adele scores double #1... again

Adele i dalje vlada britanskim top-listama. Album 21 nalazi se na vrhu devetu nedelju zaredom što se nije dogodilo još od 1991. godine kada je isti rezultat ostvarila Madonnina kompilacija The Immaculate Collection. 21 je prošle nedelje prodat u više od 156 hiljada primeraka. Prvi album ove pevačice 19 i dalje se drži na drugom mestu i prošle nedelje je prodat u 47159 primeraka.
Među top 10 najprodavanijih albuma ove nedelje su četiri noviteta. Novi album grupe Strokes "Angels" debitovao je na trećem mestu sa 35643 prodatih primeraka. Njihova prva dva albuma stigla su do drugog albuma, dok je prethodni First Impressions of Earth njihov prvi i jedini #1 album u Velikoj Britaniji.
Album nastao kao rezultat saradnje Ronana Keatinga i Burta Bucharcha "When Ronan Met Burt" stigao je do petog mesta.
Iako je Nicole Scherzinger prošle nedelje bila #1 na listi singlova, to nije mnogo pomoglo njenom prvom solo albumu  Killer Love koji je završio na osmom mestu.
Novi album Chrisa Browna "F.A.M.E." debitovao je na desetom mestu što je napredak u odnosu na prethodni album Graffiti koji je dostigao tek 55. mesto.
Što se liste singlova tiče, Adele se nakon jednonedeljne pauze vratila na prvo mesto sa Someone Like You. Ovaj single je prošle nedelje prodat u 82357 kopija. Jedini top 10 novitet ove nedelje je novi single grupe The Black Eyed Peas "Just Can't Get Enough" koji je skočio sa 15. na treće mesto - 43451 prodat primerak.
Ostatak top 10 liste možete pogledati ispod ovog teksta.


Adele is still a queen of UK charts. Her album 21 is #1 for the nineth week in a row which equaled to Madonna's result from 1991 with The Immaculate Collection. 21 was sold in more than 156k copies last week. Debut album by Adele "19" still holds #2 spot with 47519 copies sold last week.
There are four new entries among top 10 best-selling albums this week. A new album by Strokes "Angels" debuted at #3 with 35643 copies sold. Their first two albums peaked at #2, while their last album  First Impressions of Earth remains their only #1 in the UK. 
An album than consists of collaboration between Ronan Keating and Burt Bucharch "When Ronan Met Burt" reached #5.
Although her single was #1 last week, it didn't help Nicole Scherzinger's debut album Killer Love much which debuted at #8.
A new album by Chris Brown "F.A.M.E." debuted at #10 which is an improvement compared to his previous effort Graffiti which reached only #55.
As for the singles chart, Adele regained her top spot with Someone Like You. This single was sold in 82357 copies last week. The only new entry within top 10 is a new single by The Black Eyed Peas "Just Can't Get Enough" which jumped from #15 to #3 (43451).
You can check out the rest of top 10 below this text.

Top 10 Albums:

  1. (1) Adele - 21
  2. (2) Adele - 19
  3. (new) Strokes - Angels
  4. (3) Jessie J - Who You Are
  5. (new) Ronan Keating Burt Bucharch - When Ronan Met Burt
  6. (5) Overtones - Good Ol' Fashioned Love
  7. (7) Rihanna - Loud
  8. (new) Nicole Scherzinger - Killer Love
  9. (6) Elbow - Build a Rocket Boys
  10. (new) Chris Brown - F.A.M.E.
Top 10 Singles:

  1. (2) Adele - Someone Like You
  2. (1) Nicole Scherzinger - Don't Hold Your Breath
  3. (15) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
  4. (3) Wanted - Gold Forever
  5. (4) Jessie J feat. B.o.B - Price Tag
  6. (5) Rihanna - S&M
  7. (6) Wiz Khalifa - Black & Yellow
  8. (9) Dr. Dre feat. Eminem & Skylar Grey - I Need a Doctor
  9. (8) Adele - Rolling In the Deep
  10. (7) Lady Gaga - Born This Way

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Najavljen "superkoncert" u Londonu za pomoć Japanu / "Supergig" in London for Japan relief announced

Najveća koncertna kompanija na svetu Live Nation najavila je da će se uskoro u Londonu održati "superkoncert" čiji je cilj da se prikupe sredstva za pomoć Japanu. Lista učesnika i datum još uvek nisu objavljeni, ali se pretpostavlja da će za lokaciju biti odabrana Wembley Arena.
U Live Nationu kažu da su pregovori sa izdavačkim kućama u toku i da očekuju da će na koncertu nastupiti najveće zvezde današnjice.
Ova kompanija sarađuje sa zvezdama kao što su Madonna, Shakira, U2, Jay-Z i mnogi drugi, pa verovatno ni lista izvođača za najavljeni koncert neće biti ništa manje aktuelna.


The biggest live events company Live Nation announced an organisation of "supergig" in London that will be held soon in order to help victims in Japan. The list of performers and the date are still unknown, but it's rummored that Wembley Arena will be picked for a location.
In Live Nation say that they are talking with record labels at the moment and that they expect that the biggest music stars will take part.
This company collaborate with artists such as Madonna, Shakira, U2, Jay-Z and many other, so the list of performers probably won't be less interesting.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pesme za Japan / Songs for Japan

Četiri najveće izdavačke kuće na svetu Universal, Sony, EMI Warner udružile su se kako bi objavile digitalnu kompilaciju Songs for Japan. Sva sredstva od prodaje ovog albuma biće uplaćena japanskom Crvenom krstu. Na kompilaciji se nalazi 38 hitova izvođača kao što su Madonna, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Eminem, Beyonce i mnogi drugi.
Album je dostupan na iTunesu. 
Kompletnu listu pesama možete pogledati ispod ovog teksta. 


Four major labels Universal, Sony, EMI and Warner teamed up to release a digital compilation Songs for Japan. Proceeds from the album will benefit Japanese Red Cross Society. The compilation features 38 hits from performers such as Madonna, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Eminem, Beyonce and many other.
The album is available at your local iTunes store.
You can check out the complete tracklist bellow this text.

1. John Lennon "Imagine"
2. U2 "Walk On"
3. Bob Dylan "Shelter From The Storm"
4. Red Hot Chili Peppers "Around The World"
5. Lady Gaga "Born This Way"
6. Beyonce "Irreplaceable"
7. Bruno Mars "Talking To The Moon"
8. Katy Perry "Firework"
9. Rihanna "Only Girl (In The World)"
10. Justin Timberlake "Like I Love You"
11. Madonna "Miles Away"
12. David Guetta "When Love Takes Over"
13. Eminem "Love The Way You Lie"
14. Bruce Springsteen "Human Touch"
15. Josh Groban "Awake"
16. Keith Urban "Better Life"
17. Black Eyed Peas "One Tribe"
18. Pink "Sober"
19. Cee Lo Green "It's Ok"
20. Lady Antebellum "I Run To You"
21. Bon Jovi "What Do You Got?"
22. Foo Fighters "My Hero"
23. R.E.M. "Man On The Moon"
24. Nicki Minaj "Save Me"
25. Sade "By Your Side"
26. Michael Buble "Hold On"
27. Justin Bieber "Pray"
28. Adele "Make You Feel My Love"
29. Enya "If I Could Be Where You Are"
30. Elton John "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me"
31. John Mayer "Waiting On The World To Change"
32. Queen "Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together)"
33. Kings Of Leon "Use Somebody"
34. Sting "Fragile"
35. Leona Lewis "Better In Time"
36. Ne-Yo "One In A Million"
37. Shakira "Whenever, Wherever"
38. Norah Jones "Sunrise"

Friday, March 25, 2011

Amy Winehouse i Tony Bennett snimaju duet / Amy Winehouse and Tony Bennett to record a duet

Pevačica Amy Winehouse snimiće duet sa Tonyjem Bennettom koji će biti objavljen na njegovom albumu Duets II.  Detalji o pesmi za sada nisu poznati, ali se zna da će se na albumu naći i dueti sa Mariahom Carey, Sheryl Crow i Norahom Jones. 
Ovo će biti prva Amyna objavljena pesma još od 2007. godine kada je sa Markom Ronsonom sarađivala na obradi pesme Valerie benda The Zutons.
Album će biti objavljen 19. septembra.
Amy je trenutno u studiju i radi na novom albumu, a za 18. jun zakazan je njen koncert u Beogradu.


A singer Amy Winehouse will record a duet with Tony Bennett for his album Duets II. Details about song are still unknown, but it's known that the album will feature duets with Mariah Carey, Sheryl Crow and Norah Jones among others.
This will be the first song released with Amy's vocals since her collaboration with Mark Ronson on a cover of a song Valerie by The Zutons.
The album will be released on September 19th.
Amy is in the studio at the moment working on her new album and she's set to perform in Belgrade on June 18th.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lady Gaga će režirati spot za pesmu "Judas" / Lady Gaga will direct a video for "Judas"

Lady Gaga je tokom intervjua Musicians@Google otkrila da će sama režirati spot za svoj naredni spot Judas. Spot će biti bogat religijskim motivima, s obzirom na to da je i sam naziv singla inspirisan biblijskom ličnošću.
Ona je takođe otkirla da se u pesmi radi o praštanju samom sebi i opisala ju je kao svešteničku pop pesmu.
Umetnički direktor i koreograf biće Laurieann Gibson koja je, između ostalih, radila sa Katy Perry, Aliciom Keys i Nicki Minaj. 
Očekuje se da će spot i pesma biti objavljeni početkom maja.


Lady Gaga revealed during Musicians@Google interview that she'll direct a video for her next single Judas. The video will be rich with religious themes and will live up to its biblical-inspired name. She also revealed that the song is about forgiving yourself and described it as a pop priest record.
Creative director and choreographer will be Laurieann Gibson who previously worked, among others, with Katy Perry, Alicia Keys and Nicki Minaj.
It's expected that the video and the song debut in early May.

Billboard Hot 100: Lady Gaga šestu nedelju na vrhu / Lady Gaga for the sixth week on the top

Hit Lady Gage "Born This Way" je šestu nedelju zaredom najpopularnija pesma u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Ova pesma bila je najslušanija na radio-stanicama prošle nedelje, dok je po prodaji zauzela četvrto mesto sa 182 hiljade prodatih primeraka. 
Pesma Loser Like Me iz serije Glee prodata je u 210 hiljada primeraka prošle nedelje, što joj je omogućilo drugo mesto na listi najprodavanijih pesama, ali šesto mesto na Hot 100 listi zbog nedostatka radio podrške.
Novi single grupe The Black Eyed Peas "Just Can't Get Enough" dospeo je na peto mesto zahvaljujući nastupu u American Idolu. Nakon sedam nedelja na Hot 100 listi, novi single Chrisa Browna "Look at Me Now" našao se među top 10 najpopularnijih - osmo mesto ove nedelje. Do top 10 stigao je i Jeremih sa pesmom Down On Me, nakon 19 nedelja na listi.
Ostatak top 10 pogledajte ispod ovog teksta, dok je kompletna top 100 lista dostupna na


Lady Gaga's hit Born This Way has been the most popular song in the United States for the sixth week in a row. This song topped Radio Songs chart and was sold in 182k copies last week - #4 on Hot Digital Songs this week.
A song Loser Like Me from Glee TV Show was sold in 210k copies last week which was enough for #2 on Hot Digital Songs, but reached #6 on Hot 100 because of a lack of radio support.
Thanks to the performance at American Idol,  The Black Eyed Peas took #5 this week with a new single "Just Can't Get Enough". After seven weeks inside top 100, new Chris Brown's single "Look at Me Now" managed to reach top 10 position - #8 this week. After 19 weeks on chart Jeremih finally managed to reach top 10 with Down On Me.
You can check out the rest of top 10 bellow this text, while the complete top 100 is available at

Top 10:

  1. (1) Lady Gaga - Born This Way
  2. (3) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
  3. (4) Rihanna - S&M
  4. (2) Cee-Lo Green - F**k You (Forget You)
  5. (22) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
  6. (new) Glee Cast - Loser Like Me
  7. (6) P!nk - F**kin' Perfect
  8. (12) Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes
  9. (7) Bruno Mars - Grenade
  10. (13) Jeremih feat. 50 Cent - Down On Me

"Procureo" neobjavljeni album Davida Bowiea / An unreleased David Bowie's album leaked

Nakon što je izdavačka kuća Virgin pre deset godina iz nepoznatih razloga odbila da objavi album Davida Bowiea "Toy", ovaj album se nedavno pojavio na internetu. Na albumu se nalaze pevačevi stari snimci koje je on modernizovao uz pomoć producenta Tonyja Viscontija
Na albumu se mogu čuti i nove verzije pesama Shadow Man iz 1971. godine i Liza Jane iz 1964. godine - njegov prvi single koji je objavio pod imenom David Jones with the King Bees. 
Menadžment pevača nije želeo da komentariše ovaj događaj.  
David Bowie je poslednji album Reality objavio 2003. godine.


After Virgin refused to release an album by David Bowie "Toy" ten years ago without giving an official reason, this album has leaked online recently. The album features the singer's old recordings which was revamped with a help of a producer Tony Visconti.
On the album you can hear, among others, new versions of songs Shadow Man from 1971 and Liza Jane from 1964 - his first single which he released as David Jones with the King Bees.
The singer's management didn't want to comment the album's leaking.
David Bowie released his last studio album Reality in 2003.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Billboard Top 200: Adele se vraća na prvo mesto / Adele returns to #1

Aktuelni album Adele "21" nakon pada za jedno mesto prošle nedelje, ponovo se vraća na prvu poziciju liste najprodavanijih albuma u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama sa oko 98 hiljada prodatih primeraka. Prošlonedeljni #1 Lupe Fiasco "Lasers" pao je na treće meste sa 47 hiljada prodatih primeraka. 
Među top 10 najprodavanijih albuma, ove nedelje su dva noviteta. Na drugom mestu je rock band Rise Against sa albumom Endgame. Sa 85 hiljada prodatih primeraka, ovo je njihova najveća nedeljna prodaja i najbolja pozicija u karijeri za sada. Na devetom mestu je album bubnjara banda Blink-182, Travisa Barkera, Give the Drummer Some sa 28 hiljada prodatih primeraka.
Ostatak top 10 liste pogledajte ispod ovog teksta, dok će kompletna top 200 lista od sutra biti dostupna na


The latest album by Adele "21" after slipping one position last week, returns to the top of the best-selling albums chart in the USA with 98k copies sold.
The last week #1 Lupe Fiasco "Lasers" is down to #3 with 47k copies sold.
There are two new entries among top 10. Rock band Rise Against lands at #2 with Endgame. With 85k copies sold this is their best weekly sales and the best chart position in the career so far. #9 took a drummer of Blink-182, Travis Barker, with an album Give the Drummer Some (28k).
The rest of top 10 you can check out bellow this text, while the complete top 200 chart will be available from tomorrow at

Top 10:

  1. (2) Adele - 21 (98k)
  2. (new) Rise Against - Endgame (85k)
  3. (1) Lupe Fiasco - Lasers (47k)
  4. (3) Glee: The Music, Volume 5 (43k)
  5. (7) Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More (41k)
  6. (9) Justin Bieber - Never Say Never: The Remixes (34k)
  7. (4) Avril Lavigne - Goodbye Lullaby (32k)
  8. (10) Now 37 (30k)
  9. (new) Travis Barker - Give the Drummer Some (28k)
  10. (8) Marsha Ambrosius - Late Nights & Early Mornings (28k)

Beyoncé počela rad na novom albumu / Beyoncé starts work on a new album

Član benda Odd Future, Franc Ocean, otkrio je da je u studiju sa Beyoncé i da rade na njenom novom albumu. On je na twitteru postavio sliku iz studija ne krijući oduševljenje. Rekao je da ne može da veruje da Beyoncé peva njegove pesme i da su prethodne dve nedelje bila možda najbolje u njegovom životu.
Očekuje se da novi album Beyoncé bude objavljen krajem godine. Poslednji album I Am...Sasha Fierce objavila je 2008. godine.


Odd Future band member Franc Ocean has revealed that he's in a studio with Beyoncé working on her new studio album. He posted a pic from the studio not hiding an excitement. He says that he can't believe that Beyoncé is singing his songs and that the past couple weeks may have been the best in his life.
It's expected that new Beyoncé's album be released later this year. She released her last studio album  I Am...Sasha Fierce in 2008.

Moby podrška Amy Winehouse u Beogradu / Moby to support Amy Winehouse in Belgrade

Američki muzičar Moby biće podrška Amy Winehouse na koncertu koji je zakazan za 18. jun na Kalemegdanu u Beogradu, piše Blic. Moby je već oduševio publiku Exita 2009. godine, a sada će imati priliku da se pokaže i pred publikom u prestonici. Do tada će biti objavljen i njegov novi album Destroyed o kome sam već pisao, pa će publika pored starih hitova imati priliku da čuje i nove pesme. 
Očekuje se da će i Amy Winehouse pevati neke od novih pesama, tako da je pred nama jedno više nego zanimljivo veče.
Cene karata biće objavljene uskoro.


American musician Moby will support Amy Winehouse on stage,  on a concert scheduled for June 18th on Kalemegdan in Belgrade, Blic reports. Moby has already amazed an audience of Exit in 2009, and now he has a chance to do the same thing in front of an audience in Serbian capital. His new album Distroyed will be released by then, so the audience will have a chance to hear new songs beside old hits.
It's expected that Amy Winehouse will also perform new songs, so we can expect more than interesting evening.
Ticket prices will be revealed soon.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Universal Music objavljuje kompilaciju za pomoć Japanu / Universal Music is releasing a compilation to benefit Japan

Najveća izdavačka kuća na svetu Universal Music Group objaviće kompilaciju od čije će prodaje sva sredstva biti uplaćena japanskom Crvenom krstu, rekao je predstavnik ove kompanije. Album će biti u digitalnoj formi i mogao bi da se nađe u prodaji već krajem nedelje, iako nije utvrđena lista izvođača koji će učestvovati. 
Očekuje se da će u ovoj akciji, između ostalih, biti uključeni i U2, Rihanna i Lady Gaga.


The biggest record label in the world Universal Music Group will release a compilation soon in order to raise fund for Japan and all proceeds will go to the Japanese Red Cross, said a spokeperson of that company. The album will be a download-only release and could be available as soon as at the end of this week, although the list of performers hasn't been finalized yet.
It's expected that U2, Rihanna and Lady Gaga be among featured artists.

Dannii Minogue planira povratak na top-liste / Dannii Minogue plans chart comeback

Australijska pevačica Dannii Minogue, poznatija kao sestra Kylie Minogue, trenutno razmišlja o svom povratničkom singlu na kome će najverovatnije raditi DJ Roger Sanchez
On je o Dannii rekao da je impresioniran njenom posvećenošću u studiju, da je divan pop umetnik i da je uvek otvorena za nove ideje. 
Dannii, koja je poznata i kao sudija u britanskom X-Factoru, već je snimila pesmu Because You're Beautiful koju je za nju napisala bivša takmičarka Ruth Lorenzo i ova numera će se verovatno naći na njenom povratničkom albumu. 
Dannii je svoj poslednji studijski album Neon Lights objavila 2003. godine, mada je veliki broj kompilacija, reizdanja i remix albuma objavljen u međuvremenu.


Australian singer Dannii Minogue, known as a sister of Kylie Mingoue, is thinking about her comback single which will, most likely, be produced by DJ Roger Sanchez.
When he spoke about her, he said that he was impressed at how dedicated she was in the studio. He also says that she's a great pop artists, always open for new ideas.
Dannii, who is also known as the UK X-Factor judge, has alread recorded a song Because You're Beautiful which was written by former contestant Ruth Lorenzo. This song is expected to appear on her comeback album.
Dannii released her last studio album Neon Lights in 2003, although many compilation albums, re-releases and remix albums were released in the meantime.

Britanske top-liste: Prvi #1 za Nicole Scherzinger / UK Charts: The first #1 hit for Nicole Scherzinger

Bivša članica benda Pussycat Dolls, Nicole Scherzinger, dobila je svoj prvi #1 hit na britanskoj listi singlova. Njen aktuelni single Don't Hold Your Breath, koji najavljuje njen prvi solo album, Killer's Love prodat je u 98 000 primeraka prošle nedelje, što je za 11 000 više od Adele i njenog hita Someone Like You koji je ove nedelje na drugom mestu. 
Iako je grupa Wanted sa pesmom Gold Forever prethodna dva dana bila na prvom mestu itunes liste, nisu uspeli da odu dalje od trećeg mesta (82490 prodatih primeraka).
Nakon sedam nedelja provedenih u top 100, po prvi put među 10 najprodavanijih singlova našla se pesma I Need a Doctor koju izvode Dr. Dre, Eminem i Skylar Grey - deveto mesto ove nedelje.
Na desetom mestu debitovao je single Loud grupe Parade sa 29721 prodatom kopijom.
Ispod ovog teksta pogledajte ostatak top 10 liste singlova, dok je top 100 lista dostupna na

P.S. Specijalno za sve fanove otkirivam da se hit Rebecce Black "Friday" nalazi na 127. mestu sa 2307 prodatih primeraka :D

Što se liste albuma tiče, nema velikih promena. Adele ponovo zauzima prvu i drugu poziciju. Njen aktuelni album 21 prošle nedelje prodat je u više od 160 000 primeraka, a najbliži konkurent bio mu je njen debi album 19. Ovakav rezultat imali su samo The Beatles. 
Među 10 najprodavanijih albuma prošle nedelje su dva noviteta. Debi album benda Vaccines "What Did You Expect From the Vaccines" našao se na četvrtom mestu, dok je novi album nekadašnjeg predstavnika Velike Britanije na takmičenju za Pesmu Evrovizije, Michaella Balla, "Heroes" debitovao na desetom mestu.
Sve popularniji bend Overtones ove nedelje skočio je sa 36. na peto mesto sa albumom Good Ol' Fashioned Love, što je najviša pozicija u njihovoj karijeri do sada. 
Album irskog pevača Daniela O'Donnella - Moon Over Ireland napredovao je sa 11. na deveto mesto
Ispod ovog teksta pogledajte ostatak top 10 liste albuma, dok je top 100 lista dostupna na 


Ex Pussycat Dolls member, Nicole Scherzinger, scored her first #1 on the UK Singles Chart. Her new single Don't Hold Your Breath, which precedes her first solo album Killer's Love, was sold in more than 98k copies last week, which is 11k more than Adele's hit Someone Like You - #2 this week.
Although band Wanted has been #1 on itunes chart for the last two days with a song Gold Forever, they only reached #3 spot (82490 copies sold).
After seven week inside top 100, a new single by Dr. Dre, Eminem and Skylar Grey - I Need a Doctor is for the first time among top 10 best-selling singles in the UK (#9).
A single Loud by band Parade debuted at #10 with 29721 copies sold.
You can check out top 10 singles bellow this text. Top 100 is available at

P.S. For all Rebecca Black fans and her song Friday I'll reveal that she took #127 this week with 2307 copies sold :D

As for the Albums Chart, no bih changes there. Adele is #1 and #2 again. Her latest album 21 was sold in more than 160k copies last week and the closest competition was her debut album 19. This result only The Beatles could score in the chart history.
Among 10 best-selling albums last week are two new entries. Debut album by band Vaccines - What Did You Expect From the Vaccines took #4, while a new album by former UK representative at the Eurovision Song Contest, Michael Ball, Heroes debuted at #10.
A debut album by Overtones - Good Ol' Fashioned Love jumped from #36 to #5 which is there highest charting position so far.
An album by Daniel O'Donnel - Moon Over Ireland moved from #11 to #9. 
You can check out top 10 albums chart bellow this text. Top 100 is available at

Top 10 Singles:

  1. (new) Nicole Scherzinger - Don't Hold Your Breath
  2. (1) Adele - Someone Like You
  3. (new) Wanted - Gold Forever
  4. (2) Jessie J feat. B.o.B. - Price Tag
  5. (3) Rihanna - S&M
  6. (5) Wiz Khalifa - Black & Yellow
  7. (4) Lady Gaga - Born This Way
  8. (9) Adele - Rolling In the Deep
  9. (11) Dr. Dre feat. Eminem & Skylar Grey - I Need a Doctor
  10. (new) Parade - Loud
Top 10 Albums:

  1. (1) Adele - 21
  2. (4) Adele - 19
  3. (3) Jessie J - Who You Are
  4. (new) Vaccines - What Did You Expect from the Vaccines
  5. (36) Overtones - Good Ol' Fashioned Love
  6. (2) Elbow - Build Rocket Boys
  7. (6) Rihanna - Loud
  8. (7) Bruno Mars - Doo-Wops & Hooligans
  9. (11) Daniel O'Donnell - Moon Over Ireland
  10. (new) Michael Ball - Heroes

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Novi album grupe Blondie uskoro / New Blondie album coming soon

Grupa Blondie će nakon osmogodišnje pauze objaviti novi album pod nazivom Panic of Girls. Iako je prvobitno bilo najavljeno da će album biti objavljen krajem 2010. godine, to se nije dogodilo zbog konflikta sa izdavačkom kućom.
Album će najaviti single Mother koji će biti objavljen 23. maja. Ova pesma je bila dostupna za besplatno preuzimanje sa sajta benda, ali je single verzija nešto drugačija i možete je poslušati ispod ovog teksta. Očekuje se da će album biti objavljen na leto.
Blondie su poslednji album The Curse of Blondie objavili 2003. godine.


A band Blondie will release a new album after eight years titled Panic of Girls. Although it was originally planned that album be released in the end of 2010, it didn't happen due to conflict with a record label.
The album will be preceeded by a single Mother which will be released on May 23. This song was available for free download from the band's website, but it was reworked for a single release. You can listen to it bellow this post. The album is expected to be released in summer.
Blondie released their last album Curse of Blondie  in 2003.

Mel B želi da se Spice Girl ponovo okupe / Mel B wants Spice Girls reunion

Mel B je u intervjuu za Contactmusic rekla da bi volela da se Spice Girls ponovo okupe, ali da o tome još nije razgovarala sa ostalim članicama, te ne može da govori u njihovo ime. 
Ona je dodala da trenutno razgovaraju o Viva Forever mjuziklu koji bi trebalo da se pojavi sledeće godine, ali ne sme da otkrije više detalja.
Spice Girls su svetsku slavu stekle devedesetih godina. Sa 75 miliona prodatih nosača zvuka, one su najuspešniji girl bend svih vremena. Grupu je činilo pet članica - Victoria Beckham (tada Adams), Melanie Brown (Mel B), Emma Bunton, Melanie Chisholm (Mel C) i Gerri Hallivell. Gerri je 1998. godine napustila grupu, ali bend je kao čevoročlani sastav postojao do 2001. godine. 
One su se ujedinile za turneju 2007. godine koja je završena 2009.
Postojale su glasine da će Spice Girls nastupiti na otvaranju Olimpijskih Igara 2012. u Londonu, ali su Victoria Beckham i  Melanie Chisholm to demantovale.


Mel B speaking to Contactmusic revealed that she would like the Spice Girls to be reunited, but she hasn't discussed the idea yet with other members, so she can't speak on everyone's behalf.
She mentioned that there's talking about Viva Forever musical which coming out next year, but she couldn't reveal more.
Spice Girls rose to fame in the middle 90's. With over 75 million records sold there're the most successful girl band of all time. The group had five members - Victoria Beckham (then Adams), Melanie Brown (Mel B), Emma Bunton, Melanie Chisholm (Mel C) and Gerri Hallivell. After Gerri's departure in 1998, the group continued as a 4-piece until their split in 2001. 
The band reuinited in 2007 for the world tour which ended in 2009.
There were rummors that Spice Girls would perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games in London, but Victoria Beckham and  Melanie Chisholm denied.

Björk najavila novi album i projekat "Biophilia" / Björk announces new album and project "Biophilia"

Ekscentrična pevačica sa Islanda Björk ovog leta će predstaviti svoj najambiciozniji projekat do sada, nazavan Biophilia. Reč je o nastupima koji će slaviti modernu tehnologiju. Cilj projekta je da istraži kako zvuk funkcioniše, zatim beskrajnost univerzuma, od planetarnih sistema do atomske strukture.
Premijera Biophilia koncerta biće održana na internacionalnom festivalu u Manchesteru, u Engleskoj, koji će trajati od 30. juna do 17. jula. Björk će održati šest intimnih nastupa u Campfield Market Hallu  čiji je kapacitet predviđen za 1800 ljudi. Ona će izdvoditi pesme sa novog, još neobjavljenog, albuma takođe nazvanog Biophilia sa malom grupom jedinstvenih muzičkih saradnika. Na koncertu će biti korišćeni posebno osmišljeni i izrađeni instrumenti. Među njima će biti i orgulje kojima će biti upravljano digitalnim putem, klatno dugačko 30 stopa koristiće gravitacione sile zemlje kako bi se stvorili muzički obrasci. Na ovaj način dobiće se jedinstven spoj drevnog i modernog.
Nakon premijere u Manchesteru, Björk će krenuti na Biophilia svetsku turneju. Nadam se da će posetiti i ovaj deo Evrope, jer ovo zvuči kao nešto što se ne sme propustiti!
Björk je poslednji album Volta objavila 2007. godine. 


An eccentric singer from Iceland Björk will present her most ambitious project to date - Biophilia. It's about live shows that celebrate the use of modern technology. The project aims to explore ideas like how sound works, expanse of the universe, from planetary systems to atomic structures.
Biophila live show will be premiered during Manchester International Festival (June 30th - July 17th). Björk is set to perform six intimate shows in the Campfield Market Hall for audiences of 1800. She'll perform songs from her upcoming album, also titled Biophilia, with a small group of unique music collaborators. The show fill feature a range of specially conceived and crafted instruments. Among them will be a digitally-controlled pipe organ, a 30 foot pendulum that harnesses the earth’s gravitational pull to create musical patterns. In this way a unique  bridge between ancient and modern will be created.
After Manchester premiere, Björk will launch Biophilia tour. I hope that she'll visit this part of Europe. According to the description, this is something that can't be missed!
Björk released her last album Volta in 2007. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Najavljeno objavljivanje zajedničkih pesama Michaela Jacksona i Freddiea Mercurya / Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury duets to be released

Preostali članovi grupe Queen rade na "sređivanju" snimaka zajedničkih pesama njihovog frontmena Freddiea Mercurya kralja popa Michaela Jacksona, potvrdio je bubnjar Roger Taylor. On je rekao da se radi o pesmama koje su pevači snimili u prvoj polovini osamdesetih godina i da ništa više ne može da otkrije, osim da pesme zvuče neverovatno. 
Poznato je da postoje tri pesme na kojima su ova dva pevača radila zajedno - Victory, There Must Be More to Life Than This, koju je Freddie Mercury kasnije objavio u solo verziji na albumu Mr. Bad Guy iz 1985. godine, i State of Shock, koju je Michael Jackson objavio 1984. godine kao duet sa Mickom Jaggerom.  


Remaining members of band Queen are working on revamping tracks that their frontman Freddie Mercury and the king of pop Michael Jackson recorded together, drummer Roger Taylor confirmed. He said that they were working on songs that these two singers had recorded in the early 80's and that he couldn't reveal too much, except that songs sounded incredible.
It's known that two singers collaborated on three songs - Victory, There Must Be More to Life Than This, which Freddie later released solo on his album Mr. Bad Guy from 1985, and  State of Shock, which Jackson released in 1984 like a duet with Mick Jagger

Koncerti za pomoć Japanu / Concerts for Japan

Sonic Youth, Lou Reed, Yoko Ono Sean Lennon neki su od izvađača koji su najavili koncerte od kojih će sav prihod ići za saniranje posledica katastrofalnog zemljotresa, cunamija i nuklearne katastrofe koji su zadesili Japan.
Za sada su planirana dva događaja u New Yorku. Koncert na kome će, između ostalih, nastupiti i Sonic Youth, Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon, Cibo Matto i Mike Patton zakazan je za 27. mart u Miller Theatru na univerzitetu Columbia. Za 9. april priprema se 12-časovni koncert u sedištu njujorškog udruženja Japan Society kada će nastupiti Lou Reed, Philip Glass, Hal Willner, Laurie Anderson i kompozitor John Zorn.
Mnoge poznate ličnosti pomogle su žrtvama u Japanu. Lady Gaga je tako lansirala narukvicu, a sav prihod od prodaje (oko četvrt miliona dolara) namenila je žrtvama nedavnih katastrofa u toj zemlji. 


Sonic Youth, Lou Reed, Yoko Ono Sean Lennon are among musicians who announced to play at fundraising gigs in order to help victims of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan. 
There are two concerts planned for now, both in New York.  Sonic Youth, Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon, Cibo Matto and Mike Patton will perform, among others, at Columbia University's Miller Theatre on March 27th. For April 9th is scheduled 12-hours long concert at New York's Japan Society HQ and performers will be: Lou Reed, Philip Glass, Hal Willner, Laurie Anderson and a composer John Zorn.
Many celebrities have already helped victims in Japan. For instance, Lady Gaga launched wristbends she designed and raised around 250k $ which she donated to victims of recent disasters.